Are acupressure mats dangerous? 10 rules for use

acupressure mats dangerous

Whether acupressure and the use of an acupressure mat can be dangerous is a much sought-after question on the Internet. If so many people are wondering about this, of course we will give answers. In this article, we transparently go into when the use of the acupressure mat is not recommended. So you have all the important information at a glance.

Even though the skin can become very red after the application of the acupressure mat, however, it is normally anything but dangerous. In general, the rule is that a lot can be tried out on one's own responsibility and more and more people can see a positive effect for themselves.



1. no acupressure in case of inflammation and fever

2. caution with acupressure for moles, skin inflammation, wounds and sunburn

3. care to acupressure mat for high blood pressure

4. caution for acupressure mat and heart problems.

5. no acupressure mat with blood clotting medication.

6. no acupressure during pregnancy

7. acupressure mat and epilepsy are not friends

8. acupressure and phlebitis do not go together

9. no wild movements on the acupressure mat

10. length and frequency of use of your needle mat


1. no acupressure in case of inflammation and fever

Regular use of the acupressure mat invigorates the body with new energy. On the one hand, the increased blood circulation can have beneficial effects, as harmful substances are removed and important substances for healing are transported more effectively. On the other hand, the heat generated by the spikes can also hinder healing and worsen the inflammation.

There are many acupressure points that are said to help with fever or inflammation, but we advise caution when using the acupressure mat.

We recommend not using the mat in the case of acute inflammation or being careful. An open wound must be left to rest for the time being. However, we cannot give any medical advice.
If you are unsure, it is best to speak to a medical professional.

2. be careful with acupressure for moles, skin inflammation, wounds and sunburn.

As the tips of the Shakti Mat do not pierce the skin, the likelihood of damaging a birthmark is very low. You can leave a T-shirt on or place a thin cloth over the tips to carefully test how your skin reacts. Alternatively, you can cover the area with a plaster.

In the case of conspicuous skin changes that have been classified as worthy of observation by your dermatologist, we recommend that you consult your dermatologist again. This way you can make sure whether the use of the mat is suitable in your individual case.

In case of acute skin inflammation, wounds, neurodermatitis or sunburn, we do not recommend using the mat on these areas. Wait until the areas are well healed, otherwise the skin will be even more irritated and can not heal well.

acupressure mat rules

3. care to acupressure mat for high blood pressure

In our community, users report very different experiences and a very individual approach to the acupressure mat:

  • "I suffer from high blood pressure. When I lie on the mat, I feel sooo wonderfully light and free. I had my blood pressure measured on the mat today. Perfect!" - Andrea
  • "I am a high blood pressure patient and can only go to the mat in the evening because the pressure drops too low in the morning after taking my medication." - Patricia
  • "I also have high blood pressure and I can feel my heart rate going up, but it quickly subsides and then goes into deep relaxation." - Olaf

In general, it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor and then keep an eye on your blood pressure during use. Even slightly elevated blood pressure can damage blood vessels and organs. Of course, we do not want to contribute to this. So please have it checked out by a doctor.

4. caution for acupressure mat and heart problems.

Unfortunately, we cannot recommend its use to people with heart problems, as the mat promotes blood circulation and therefore also stimulates the heartbeat.
Please consult your doctor before using our products.

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5. no acupressure mat with blood clotting medication.

We cannot recommend the Shakt iMat to people who are taking anticoagulants (colloquially known as "blood thinners"). This is because the Shakti Mat stimulates blood circulation and is not recommended for people who are prone to clots.

Those who suffer from blood clotting disorders should also be careful because of possible microbleeding.

6. no acupressure during pregnancy

The mat is not suitable for pregnant women. Increased blood flow and pressure on some meridians can trigger premature labor. For this reason, we advise pregnant women not to use the Shakti Mat.

However, we would also like to point out that we humans are all different and each person reacts differently to the application of our acupressure products.

We suggest that you consult with your doctor or midwife and clarify your case individually. This way you can make sure whether the use of the mat is suitable in your case or not.

Here we also have a very informative blog article on the subject, which also deals with the period after pregnancy:

7. acupressure mat and epilepsy are not friends

Acupressure mats are not suitable for epileptics, because the pain stimulus can in some cases lead to an epileptic seizure. Therefore, caution is advised here.

A seizure on the mat could lead to scratches and injuries. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to lay down carefully on the acupressure mat and then not to move if possible.

If you are still eager to try them, please talk to your healthcare professional first.

8. acupressure and phlebitis do not go together

We cannot recommend the Shakti Mat for these illnesses and complaints. Please talk to your doctor. Because nobody wants to risk the increased blood flow making the inflammation worse.

acupressure mat application

9. no wild movements on the acupressure mat

We have had entire yoga classes on the acupressure mats with our team, but must advise caution when moving on the mat. Any time a body part is placed on the tips, slipping over the tips is not advised.

Many of our customers fall asleep on the Shakti Mat and then wake up from the rough pricking when the body wants to move in their sleep. The tips are so firm and pointed for the purpose of blood circulation and longevity, but not for scratching.

So, don't go too wild with the cuddling session on your Shakti Mat. We don't want you to hurt yourself and look like you've fallen into a rose bush.

10. length and frequency of use of your needle mat

A daily routine can help you loosen fascia and tense muscles for good. Remember, building any routine takes effort and time. It is said that the body needs an average of 21 days to get used to an action.

Nevertheless, we would like to advise you not to overdo it. In the beginning, sticking to the 20 minutes a day may be perfect enough to give your body time to get used to it.

You can find more tips on different parts of the body and how to use the mat on our website under the title"Acupressure mat - use and exercises for the body".

Some people are so enthusiastic that they immediately spend hours on the acupressure mat and then an overload of the body can occur. That's why we give you the tip: listen to your body and start slowly. It is not a weakness to put a thin shirt or a cloth between you and the spikes in the beginning.

You don't have any of the above mentioned medical conditions? Then you are ready for your start in the world of acupressure. Regularly sink into the spines and enjoy the deep relaxation of a massage every day.

We would like to encourage everyone who is affected by one of these 10 rules. Because you should first go to your health expert, but often there is still a solution. Our acupressure tools can not only be used on the back, but can also be a wonderful addition to your everyday life in other areas of the body.

If you are looking for people to talk to about the topic and other questions about acupressure, you are welcome to join our Facebook community.