Acupuncture mat: effect, advantages and application

ShaktiMat Acupuncture Mat Original in orange, white tips - ShaktiMat

What is the effect of an acupuncture mat and how can you treat back pain yourself with it? Acupuncture mats are appreciated by more and more people, they help against muscle tension, back problems and can help to relax.

What is an acupuncture mat?

An acupuncture mat can relieve pain. Acupuncture mats are designed to produce results similar to acupressure massages.

From Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupressure is a technique used to release blocked chi (qi), or energy, throughout the body. Once these blockages are cleared, pain can be reduced or completely relieved.

Acupuncture Mat contains several hundred plastic tips that apply pressure to many acupressure points in the back. There are also acupuncture pads that can be placed on the neck, head, hands or feet.

Many people currently use acupuncture mat to relieve back pain and headaches. But do they work? Our 6800+ positive customer reviews can best tell. Like this one from Christa, for example:  

"The acupuncture mat was the best purchase I have ever made! I have had extreme tension in my neck/shoulder area for years and by using it daily in conjunction with meditation instructions, I am feeling much better. I also recently started allowing myself 10 minutes in the morning before I get up and my energy level is much higher. The acupuncture mat also helps for my cluster headaches. I really recommend it to everyone."

There is no major research specifically on the acupuncture mat, although some small studies show that they are beneficial for relieving pain. Many users also swear by the positive results for headaches, back pain and stress.

Effect of the acupuncture mat

Because these mats work similarly to acupressure and acupuncture - by stimulating pressure points along the body's meridians - they can provide the same or similar types of benefits.

The main difference is that acupuncture mats stimulate many acupressure points at once, as opposed to targeted acupressure or acupuncture treatments by a professional.

Acupuncture mat users:in have reported experiencing relief from the following conditions:

  • Headache and migraine
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Sciatica pain in back and leg
  • Stress and tension
  • Fibromyalgia Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep disorders
  • Improvement of the self-healing powers

Acupuncture mat: application and advantages

Acupuncture mats can be used in different ways depending on the desired effect. To relieve and ease back pain and muscle tension, simply lie with your back on the mat for 20-40 minutes.
Place your feet on the mat for a reflexology treatment. It is also possible to walk across the mat. However, this usually requires more practice.
For a cellulite treatment, the mat can be placed on a chair as a seat.
Acupuncture mats are also used for various meditation techniques and yoga exercises.

In this video you will learn everything you need to know about the ShaktiMat

Acupuncture mat: how long can it be used?

In the beginning, the application should not last longer than 15-20 minutes to gradually get your body used to it. Once you have used it for a few weeks, you can lie on the acupuncture mat for up to 40 minutes. Longer applications should be avoided, as well as sleeping on the mat.

How often can you use them?

Once your body has slowly gotten used to the acupuncture mat, you can use it 3-4 times for shorter sessions and 1-2 times for longer sessions, depending on your needs and pain. It is important that you listen to your body and give it enough time to get used to the unfamiliar strain.

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - The Original Acupressure Mat
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - The Original Acupressure Mat
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Orange - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
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ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black

ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo
ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo

ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat acupressure mat for beginners - Yellow - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat acupressure mat for beginners - Yellow - ShaktiMat_en
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow
ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow


Acupuncture mat vs acupressure mat

Even though acupuncture and acupressure are two different approaches to traditional Chinese medicine, they mean the same thing in this application. Thereby the acupuncture mat is more often represented in the linguistic usage. You can find all information about the meaning, application, effect and production here.

Even though acupuncture and acupressure are two different approaches to traditional Chinese medicine, they mean the same thing in this application. Thereby the acupuncture mat is more often represented in the linguistic usage. You can find all information about the meaning, application, effect and production here.


Meaning: Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Acupuncture is a pseudoscience because the theories and practices of TCM are not based on scientific evidence and have been called quackery. There are a number of acupuncture variants that have their origins in different philosophies, and the techniques vary depending on the country where it is performed. It is most commonly used for pain relief, although acupuncturists say it can be used for a variety of other conditions. Generally, acupuncture is used only in combination with other forms of treatment. 


Meaning: Acupressure is a technique of alternative medicine, similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of vital energy flowing through "meridians" in the body. During treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the goal of releasing blockages in these meridians. Pressure can be applied by hand, elbow, or with various devices.

Some medical studies have shown that acupressure can be effective in treating nausea and vomiting, low back pain, tension headaches, and abdominal pain, among other conditions.

Is the acupuncture mat unhealthy? That's what the studies say:

Admittedly, the needles on an acupuncture mat do not look inviting at first. But the stimulating effect of lying on a needle mat has been proven by studies and promotes the well-being of most users. There is no evidence that an acupuncture mat can be unhealthy. Some people may find it too painful, however, one can gradually get used to the feeling of the needles and after some time even find it pleasant what it does to the body.

Those who need to get used to the needles and are very sensitive can start with a T-shirt and slowly increase until it also feels pleasantly relaxing to lie with bare skin on the acupuncture mat. The skin is not injured, but simply reacts with stronger blood circulation. As always, listen to your body and approach relaxation slowly.

Study 1: 200 volunteers reporting pain relief, restful sleep, relaxation and more energy after two weeks of regular use. Read study.

Study 2: 36 people with neck and back tension reporting less pain, stress relief, reduction in anxiety and depression, and an increase in optimism and energy after three weeks of use. Read study.

Study 3: Swedish study confirming physical effects More blood flow, short-term increase in sympathetic, then parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system. Read study.

Female person in traditional sari holding acupuncture mat from ShaktiMat

A colleague in a traditional sari in India proudly shows the acupuncture mat from ShaktiMat

Who should not use an acupuncture mat?

People with very thin skin due to illness and increased risk of infection should be rather cautious when using. Pregnant women should also seek medical advice beforehand, as the additional weight in the upper body can increase the pressure on the mat and thus cause an unpleasant feeling. Otherwise, the rule also applies here: you should always listen to your own body,

What makes the ShaktiMat special? 

All these studies show that acupressure works. However, there are many suppliers of acupressure mats, even particularly cheap offers from discounters again and again. But often it is not shown where these products and their parts come from.

Let's get to the point: Why should you choose a ShaktiMat? First and foremost, because with a ShaktiMat you can be sure that all the individual parts are as sustainable, environmentally friendly and, above all, skin-friendly as possible.

In addition to their beneficial effects, all our ShaktiMats have in common that they are carefully handmade in India from ecological and sustainable materials. We employ only women in the "Gratitude Factory" to enable them to live autonomously.

Fair wages, flexible working hours, paid vacations and continued payment in case of illness as well as safety at work are an absolute must for us, but unfortunately not the order of the day in India. We also provide general health care for the women and their close relatives.

So by buying ShaktiMat you are not only doing something good for yourself, but you are supporting many wonderful social projects at the same time. But the most important thing is that you find relaxation in your everyday life with a good conscience. Give it a try and try out this millennia-old tool for yourself:


"Wow, what can I say. A little skeptical at first, but after the first 10 minutes my muscles relaxed, slight warmth was felt and after 20 minutes you just feel good! I even fell asleep the 2nd time and that must mean something 😅 I think it's great that it's so versatile and definitely recommend it 👍"
- Carolin C.