Acupressure from A to Z

Acupressure from A to Z
Shakti MatShakti Mat

Table of Contents:

  1. What are acupressure points? 
  2. How effective is acupressure?
  3. Acupressure points on the foot 
  4. Acupressure points on the ear 
  5. Acupressure points for headaches
  6. Acupressure points on the head 
  7. Acupressure points on the face 
  8. Acupressure points on the back 
  9. Acupressure points on hand + wrist 
  10. Acupressure points on the neck 

What are acupressure points? 

"Acupressure, the - noun, feminine.(related to acupuncture) procedure in which circular movements of the fingertips - under light pressure - on certain parts of the body are intended to influence pain or other ailments," is how the dictionary defines the method around the healing points in our body. Like acupuncture, acupressure has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

What acupressure is supposed to do? The goal of the self-healing method is to release blockages in the body and to (re)restore the natural balance.To get the energy flowing in us again, we press with our fingertips the several hundred acupressure points all over our body. These are located on the energy paths of Qi - the so-called meridians or pathways.

How effective is acupressure?

With acupressure you can generally relieve stress and tension. But it can also help support the treatment of certain pains - such as (severe) period pains. 

The effectiveness of self-healing with acupressure in this case has also been researched by Charité. "After three months in the [research group], 37 percent of the participants achieved a fifty percent reduction in pain. After six months, it was even more than half, at 58 percent." 

Generally, acupressure has no negative side effects. However, you should always listen to your body and follow these tips and advice:

  • For example, reduce the pressure in case of pain and discomfort.
  • Leave out acupressure points on open or inflamed areas.
  • Acupressure while you are expecting a baby is not recommended. Why? We will tell you in this article about "Acupressure and pregnancy".

You can massage the acupressure points with your thumbs, fingertips, elbows or knees. But there are also various tools to help you apply and stimulate the acupressure points. First, there are special patches that are stuck over the points to activate the skin and the acupressure point underneath - without needles or hurting the skin. Acupressure pens, massage rollers or acupressure mats also support you in self-treatment with one of the oldest healing methods in the world. 

All information about the ShaktiMat acupressure mat can be found on this page. Here we explain everything - from how to use the mat with yoga or in connection with sport, let other users tell you about their experiences and answer all your questions about the product. Try it out for yourself! 






Our tutorials

In the ShaktiMat video tutorials we show you many useful application examples and tips around acupressure!alt description: In this video Nicola from ShaktiMat introduces the tutorial series on YouTube. A 21 day course for acupressure and the acupressure mat.

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat - Original

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black

ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo

ShaktiMat Advanced Acupressure Mat - Indigo

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow

ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat for Beginners - Yellow


Acupressure points for headaches, on the head and face 

  • Gates of Consciousness (GB 20) - for arthritis, headaches, dizziness, stiff neck, neck pain, motor coordination problems, eye strain and irritability
  • Windvilla (LG 16) - for pain in the eyes, ears, nose, throat for mental problems, headaches, dizziness and stiff neck
  • Bamboo drilling (B 2) - for eye and headaches, hay fever, eye fatigue and sinus pain
  • Point of the third eye (LG 24.5) - for hay fever, headaches, indigestion, stomach ulcer pain, and strained eyes
  • Beauty of the face (Ma 3) - for tired and strained eyes and eye pressure, congestion in the nose and head and toothache
  • Connection with the tal (Hoku) (Di 4) - for frontal headaches, toothache, shoulder pain and labor pains

Acupressure points on the back and sciatica 

  • Sea of vitality (B 23 and B 47) - for low back pain, sciatica and fatigue associated with pain
  • Genital point (B 48) - for low back pain, sciatica, tension in the pelvic area, hip pain and tension
  • Sea of energy (EG 6) - for back weakness and for the prevention of many back problems
  • Commanding center (B 45) - Back pain, sciatica, knee and lower back pain, arthritis in knees, lower back and hips
Overview of meridians and energy points of acupressure. Source:

The top acupressure points in the body*.

The list of application areas ranges from head to toe. We have compiled a list of important/frequently used acupressure points that cover all parts of the body and their application here: 

Acupressure points on the foot

  • Hills in the wilderness (BG 40) - for pain, stiffness and swelling of the ankle. Particularly helpful if you have sprained your ankle or to strengthen the joint and thus prevent degenerative arthritis
  • Larger stream (N 3) - for swollen feet and ankle pain. 
  • High mountains (B 60) - for swollen feet and pain in the ankles, thighs, lower back and rheumatism of the ankles.
  • Illuminated sea (N 6) - swollen ankles and pain in the heel and ankle
  • Calm sleep (B 62) - for general foot pain and insomnia

Acupressure points on the ear 

All three energy points, located on the ear, are suitable for use in earache and hearing problems, feeling of pressure in the ear, temporomandibular joint problems, toothache and headache.

  • Ear gate (DW 21)
  • Place of listening (Du 19) 
  • Unification of hearing (GB 2) 

Acupressure points for headaches, on the head and face 

  • Gates of consciousness (GB 20) - for arthritis, headaches, dizziness, stiff neck, neck pain, motor coordination problems, eye strain and irritability
  • Windvilla (LG 16) - for pain in the eyes, ears, nose, throat for mental problems, headaches, dizziness and stiff neck
  • Bamboo drilling (B 2) - for eye and headaches, hay fever, eye fatigue and sinus pain
  • Point of the third eye (LG 24.5) - for hay fever, headaches, indigestion, stomach ulcer pain, and strained eyes
  • Beauty of the face (Ma 3) - for tired and strained eyes and eye pressure, congestion in the nose and head and toothache
  • Connection with the tal (Hoku)(Di 4) - for frontal headache, toothache, shoulder pain and labor pain.

Acupressure points on the back and sciatica 

  • Sea of vitality (B 23 and B 47) - for low back pain, sciatica and fatigue associated with pain
  • Genital point (B 48) - for low back pain, sciatica, tension in the pelvic area, hip pain and tension
  • Sea of energy (EG 6) - for back weakness and for the prevention of many back problems
  • Commanding center (B 45) - Back pain, sciatica, knee and lower back pain, arthritis in knees, lower back and hips

Acupressure points on hand + wrist

  • Inner gate (P 6) - for nausea, anxiety and wrist pain
  • Large mound (P 7) - for wrist problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatism and wrist tendinitis
  • Outer gate (DW 5) - for rheumatism, tendinitis, wrist pain and to increase resistance to colds
  • Active pond (DW 4) - for wrist tendinitis and rheumatism, pain when gripping, carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain as well as for strengthening the wrist

Acupressure points on the neck

  • Shoulder spring (GB 21) - for a stiff neck, irritability, tension in the shoulder girdle and circulatory problems
  • Heavenly pillar (B 10) - for stress, exhaustion, a stiff throat and a sore throat
  • Gates of consciousness (GB 20) - for arthritis, headaches, dizziness, stiff neck, neck pain, motor coordination problems, eye strain and irritability
  • Sky window (DW 16) - for a stiff neck, tension and pain in the shoulder girdle and headaches
  • Windvilla (LG 16) - for pain in the eyes, ears, nose, throat for mental problems, headaches, dizziness and stiff neck
  • Bamboo drilling (B 2) - for eye and headaches, hay fever, eye fatigue and sinus pain

Well, have you found one or two acupressure points that should help you to strengthen or alleviate current complaints? We look forward to hearing about your experiences! Share them with us and others in our ShaktiMat Facebook Community . Become a member now! If you want to know more about the healing method, you can continue to browse our blog. There is also a wide range of literature on the subject. We wish you lots of fun and, above all, relaxation while trying it out! 

About the author

I am Jasmin. Content creator by passion - with a business mind. As a German-American I grew up in Franconia, experienced bed bugs in the Big Apple, survived paraglide flights in Argentina and lost my heart to creative Berlin.

I am fascinated by cultures and their peculiarities and interested in a sustainable and healthy lifestyle as well as the topics of futurology, digitalization and the phenomenon of how trends emerge. I've also been bitten by the yoga bug for a few years now. That's why I always take my yoga mat with me - for example, on countless road trips through Europe with my boyfriend, my little cocker spaniel, and hopefully soon with my own camper van.
