Excessive sitting at work and a sedentary lifestyle often lead to unpleasant tension in the back and associated pain. Do you also notice that the health of your back is neglected in everyday life? Then it's time to change this. With the right stretching exercises for your back, you can keep your entire back area supple, relieve tension and prevent back pain in the long term. In this guide, we'll show you how!
1. how does the "widespread disease of back pain" develop?
2. why stretching helps with back pain
3. the different types of stretching
4. stretching exercises for the back
6. back stretching for hollow back, slipped disc and co.
How does the "widespread disease back pain" develop?
The everyday life of modern people is mostly characterized by sitting - whether in the office, when travelling or relaxing on the couch in the evening. The usual posture adopted by us frequent sitters is characterized by a constantly hunched upper body, a slightly bent head and a hyperextended neck.
This means that the muscles and fasciae in the front of the body are constantly shortened when sitting. In turn, the muscles of the back, especially the back extensors, must constantly counteract this in order to bring the torso into a more upright position
These shortenings in the front of the body and the overstrained back muscles in the back exert enormous pressure on the spine and the intervertebral discs - which in the long term can lead to back pain and, in the further course, to more serious complaints such as herniated discs in the lumbar spine and other vertebral bodies.
It is therefore all the more important to use the body's full movement potential every day, avoid prolonged sitting, adjust your posture more often and carry out effective stretching exercises for your back.

Why stretching helps with back pain
You can counteract the widespread habit of excessive sitting with a routine: Exercise! In addition to regular exercise, stretching is a crucial measure for preventing and relieving back pain.
Stretching exercises for the back not only strengthen your muscles, but also promote blood circulation and loosen adhesions of the fascia. Even trigger points, which can be responsible for certain pains, can be loosened and relaxed through suitable stretching exercises for the back. If you apply the exercises correctly, you create the optimal conditions for healthy back muscles, more mobility of your spine and improved posture.
With that in mind, let's jump right into practical application and learn the best stretching exercises for a healthy back.
The different types of stretching
The term "stretching" encompasses different aspects and methods, depending on what your goal is in stretching:
- When stretching in preparation for a training session or workout, the main aim is to prepare your body for the upcoming sporting activity and prevent injuries. According to the latest studies, a short 'stretching' session is recommended, in which you move from one stretching exercise to the next in a rhythm of around five seconds. This dynamic stretching also supports your coordination.
- If stretching is intended to improve your flexibility, you can apply the "traditional" stretching rules: This means you go into the stretch slowly and in a controlled manner and hold it for between 50 and a maximum of 90 seconds. This longer stretching time is necessary to stretch the muscles permanently and achieve greater flexibility. Make the stretches intense, but never too painful. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, you should therefore always be below 8.
- Stretching to relax the muscles, which also includes effective stretching exercises for the back, is similar to the flexibility stretching just described. To loosen the muscles and prevent shortening and tension, you also stretch slowly and take care not to overdo it. Hold the stretch for as long as possible, but for a maximum of 90 seconds.
9 Stretching exercises for the back
Before you turn your attention to specific stretching exercises for your back, we would like to emphasize once again how important regularity is: it is often assumed that back pain will disappear after a few exercise sessions. However, as you can probably imagine, this is rarely the case. Achieving noticeable improvements requires patience and continuity.
For satisfactory results, it is therefore advisable to schedule back training at least once a day, six days a week. Also make sure you do the stretching exercises for your back consciously: Instead of rushing through the various units, you should take enough time. Ideally, you should hold each stretching exercise for 90 seconds to ensure maximum effect.
Stretch the upper back
The upper back plays a crucial role in your posture and overall well-being. It holds your head upright and helps you move your arms and shoulder girdle. Below, we'll show you a series of upper back stretches to relieve tension and improve overall flexibility.
Stretching exercise 1 for the upper back
Start the exercise with a gentle stretch in a quadruped position. To do this, kneel on the floor, position your arms shoulder-width apart in front of you and rest your buttocks on your heels.
Pull your stomach in and bring your chin towards your chest so that your upper body takes on the shape of a hemisphere. Now gently move your chest towards the floor and slowly push your arms forward. Feel how the stretch spreads through your shoulder area. -
Stretching exercise 2 for the upper back
For the second exercise, sit in a comfortable position, either on your knees or on a chair. Loosen your shoulders and circle them - once forwards and then backwards. Keep checking your posture as you do this. If you feel a slight tingling sensation in your shoulders after the exercise, this is a sign that you have activated and loosened the area. -
Stretching exercise 3 for the upper back
For the third exercise, alternately pull your left and right shoulder towards your ear and then actively lower them again. Hold each position, both up and down, for at least 30 seconds and repeat the back stretching exercise about 10 times on each side.
Good to know: These three exercises not only serve to stretch your upper back, but also prepare you for the exercises that focus on your mid-back.
Stretch the middle back
The middle back supports numerous movements, such as lifting and carrying, turning the body and breathing. In order to perform all these activities without problems, you should pay a lot of attention to your middle back.
Stretching exercise 1 for the middle back
An ideal way to stretch the middle back and strengthen the abdominal muscles at the same time is the cat hump. This well-known exercise should be performed with flowing movements, allowing you to feel the curve and stretch in each vertebra. By including the abdominal muscles, you also ensure that your back is supported even better. Around 10 repetitions are recommended for this exercise. -
Stretching exercise 2 for the middle back
In this stretching exercise for the back, stand upright, stretch one arm upwards and gently pull it over your head to the other side. You will gradually feel a stretch along your flank. Don't forget to tense your abdomen to maintain a stable position. Repeat this exercise with the other arm as well, a total of 5 times per side. -
Stretching exercise 3 for the middle back
The last stretching exercise is a yoga classic: the twist pose. Sit on a mat, stretch your legs out in front of you and position your left foot to the right of your right knee. Wrap your right arm around your left knee and stretch your left arm out to the side and back. Remain in this position and repeat the exercise three to five times on each side. You will feel a wonderful sense of relaxation!
Stretch lumbar spine: Stretching exercises for the lower back
Before you get started with these effective exercises to stretch your lower back, it's important to understand that your spine's ability to move is limited by structural aspects like bones and tendons. In the lumbar spine, the rotational movement amounts to about ten degrees and the lateral inclination amounts to about 20 degrees. The lumbar spine shows the greatest flexibility in forward and backward movements: In extension, movements of up to 30 degrees are possible, and in flexion, movements of up to 50 degrees are possible.
Stretching the lower back: Exercise 1
The first exercise is aimed at stretching the latissimus dorsi, the large back muscle. To do this, stretch both arms upwards, grasp your left wrist with your right hand and slowly pull yourself to the right side. Breathe out calmly and try to pull a little further. Hold the stretch for the recommended maximum time of 90 seconds and then switch sides. Repeat the exercise several times as required. -
Stretching exercise 2 for the lower back
This exercise is perfect for the back extensors and is performed lying on your stomach. Tense your abdomen, legs and buttocks and raise your head, arms and legs slightly. Stretch your arms straight forward and hold this position before pulling your arms back towards your body. Repeat the exercise 10 times and make sure that your abdomen, legs and buttocks remain under tension at all times. -
Stretching exercise 3 for the lower back
The last stretching exercise for the lower back is also known as the "package" and is the opposite of the previous exercise. First, lie on your back, pull both knees towards your chest and wrap both arms around them. Now move your head towards your knees to round your back. Hold this position, feel the stretch and then relax again. You can repeat this stretching exercise about 10 times.

Stretch back extensors and counteract pain
Classic back pain can often be alleviated by specifically loosening the so-called back extensor muscle. This muscle runs along the spine and helps you to maintain an upright posture and perform lateral tilts and rotational movements. You can stretch the back extensor effectively by slowly rolling down towards the floor vertebra by vertebra from an upright position in a controlled manner. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and make sure you feel each individual vertebra as you gradually approach the floor. Once you reach the lumbar vertebrae, let yourself hang loosely for a few breaths before straightening up again just as gently.
Extra tip: In addition to the presented stretching exercise for the back, you can additionally loosen your back extensor by using an acupressure mat.
Valuable help for back stretching: the acupressure mat
Using an acupressure mat can have various positive effects on your body and support you when performing back stretching exercises. By applying pressure to certain acupressure points on your back, blood circulation is stimulated and tension can be released more easily. This may provide you with even more effective relief from discomfort and improve the general flexibility of your body.
Simply lie down on your mat for 10 to 30 minutes a day (even during exercise) and let the principle of acupressure take effect. By stimulating the points on your back, your life energy will flow again - and you will reach a pleasant state of relaxation, from which your back muscles will also benefit.
How do I stretch my back when I have a hollow back, a slipped disc and so on?
In addition to general back complaints, there are "special cases" such as hollow back, slipped discs or lumbago. Here you should take special care when stretching the back and possibly seek medical advice.
Do stretching exercises for the back help with hollow back and hunchback?
With a hollow back (also known as "hyperlordosis"), the spine is curved unnaturally forwards, with a hunchback it is curved backwards. Both constitutions are usually caused by tension in the muscular-fascial tissue due to one-sided movements. Targeted stretching of the shortened muscles and fascia can reduce the tension on the vertebrae - which in turn can lead to a straightening of the hunchback or a reduction in the hollow back. Regular stretching exercises for the back therefore make particular sense here.
Stretch back for lumbago
Lumbago is a sudden, severe pain in the lower back that is usually triggered by an awkward movement or strain. If you have acute pain and fresh lumbago, you should preferably not start stretching exercises as this could make the condition worse. In our lumbago guide, you will find effective first aid tips that you can easily apply. After the rest and relaxation phase, gentle stretching exercises in the upper spine area can help to loosen up the muscles and restore mobility.
Can I stretch my back if I have a herniated disc?
If a slipped disc is suspected, it is important that you first consult a medical professional and have the symptoms and causes clarified in detail. In this case, it is not advisable to stretch on your own without professional supervision.
However, for many herniated discs, specific stretching and strengthening exercises can be added as part of rehabilitation - as they strengthen back muscles, increase flexibility and help relieve pain.
Conclusion: Stretching exercises for the back increase your quality of life
Stretching exercises for the back are a fundamental and integral part of a healthy fitness routine. They can help relieve pain, improve flexibility and correct overall posture. They also strengthen muscles, effectively preventing future back problems.
Especially if you spend most of your day sitting down, targeted back stretching exercises can have a positive effect on your back health. Regular and consistent execution of the exercises against back pain is crucial to reap the full benefits.
Whether as a break in the office or relaxing at home on the acupressure mat: stretching exercises for the back are an effective and easy-to-implement remedy for back pain and problems with the spine. Try them out and feel the difference!