Understanding sternum pain

How to find causes and ways to treat yourself

Sternal pain: causes and self-treatment options

Does your sternum hurt? Do you feel a pulling, burning, pinching or perhaps pressure behind or in the sternum area? Is it difficult to go about your everyday life or even do your job properly? Unfortunately, sternum pain is not uncommon, but can have a variety of causes. Often, however, the cause is not at all serious and you can alleviate your symptoms with a few tips and tricks. In some cases, however, sternum pain is an alarming sign of heart disease. Here you can find out more about the causes, symptoms, treatment options and cure for sternum pain. Hopefully you'll soon be rid of the pain!



1. sternum pain - symptoms: how the pain can manifest itself

2. sternum pain: the cause of your discomfort

3. the diagnosis of sternum pain

4. what helps with sternum pain

5. sternum pain: our conclusion


Sternal pain - symptoms: this is how the pain can manifest itself

Sternal pain does not manifest itself in the same way in every affected person. Some experience the pain in the sternum as pressing, pulling or burning. Some also notice the sternum pain in the form of a stabbing sensation. Where the pain manifests itself also varies from person to person. You may only notice the sternum pain when you press on it, but you may also feel it all the time or you may only feel the pain in your sternum when you move. It is also possible that you notice the sternum pain when you breathe. Every breath hurts and doesn't feel right.

As you can see, sternum pain can manifest itself in all kinds of symptoms. However, it is very important for the subsequent diagnosis that you can describe exactly how the pain feels and when it manifests itself. The exact location of the sternum pain is also relevant. Do you feel the pain in the middle of the sternum or is it more behind the sternum?

sternum pain symptoms

Sternal pain: the cause of your discomfort

Sternal pain can be triggered by many causes. For this reason, it can be difficult for you to find out for yourself why you are experiencing the pain. It is always advisable to have your sternum pain checked out by a doctor, as pain under the sternum and on the sternum can also be caused by life-threatening conditions. Often, however, the pain can simply be caused by tension. The possible causes of your sternum pain could be the following:

  • Injuries to the sternum: Injuries occur quickly - whether during sport or in everyday life. This can also lead to bruises or fractures of the ribcage, which can manifest as pain in the sternum.
  • Tension: Pain in the sternum due to tension can be caused by stressful everyday life, for example. But tension can also be caused by doing too much sport. Repetitive movements lead to cramps if you have not warmed up enough, have not mastered the technique properly or have simply overloaded yourself.
  • Diseases of the lungs: Another reason for your sternal pain, which is perceived as pressure or feels sharp, is lung diseases such as pneumonia, a pulmonary embolism or pleurisy (i.e. inflammation of the pleura).
  • Costal chondritis: The cartilage that connects your sternum to your ribs may be inflamed. As a result, you may experience sternum pain that feels sharp or dull. It often hurts more when you cough or take a deep breath.
  • Panic attacks and anxiety: A feeling of tightness or pain in the sternum often occurs when anxiety manifests itself or you suffer a panic attack. These psychological conditions then also manifest themselves as physical symptoms.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Pain and sternum as well as heartburn can be triggered by gastroesophageal reflux disease. Stomach acid then flows back into the oesophagus, which can feel very uncomfortable.
  • Heart problems: One cause of sternum pain can be a heart problem. In most cases, the pain is not heart-related, but a heart attack or coronary heart disease can also manifest itself as pain in the chest or sternum.
  • Tumors: Seldom does sternum pain come from a tumor. But it is not impossible. Having this checked by an expert provides certainty and reassurance.

This is just a brief overview of the causes of sternum pain. There are also a few other things that can trigger this pain. A visit to the doctor will give you certainty! How the cause of your pain can be determined is shown in the next section.

The diagnosis of sternum pain

In order to find the cause of your sternum pain, you will first undergo a medical history followed by a physical examination. You will be asked about the exact location, the duration of your pain and the type of pain. Accompanying symptoms and factors that aggravate your sternum pain will also help with the diagnosis. This is followed by a physical examination, which includes palpation and pressure. If necessary, the doctor may also order further examinations such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs or ultrasounds. If a heart problem is suspected or should be ruled out as a precaution, an ECG will be performed. The electrocardiogram measures the electrical signals of the heart. Blood tests and stress tests can also provide more information about your pain.

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This helps with sternum pain

In medical treatment, there are different approaches that are used to cure your pain, depending on the cause. Medications that work against the pain or against inflammation, up to beta blockers, ACE inhibitors or statins that help against heart disease, can be prescribed. Physical therapy and psychotherapy (for example, for psychosomatic tension) may also be recommended for the causes of your pain. In a few cases, such as a tumor, surgery may also be necessary. However, in the case of tension in the pectoral muscle or minor injuries, you can also help yourself and support the healing process.

Are you tired of your chest pain tormenting you every day? Does it keep you going all day and prevent you from concentrating at work or in everyday life? You can try out the following tips for yourself. With continuity, you can relieve tension and finally go through life without pain again!

Sternal pain: exercises for home

Light stretching exercises for the chest and sternum area can be a helpful way to relieve tension. However, you should never overdo it and stop when the pain gets stronger. After all, the exercises should be designed to make you feel better, and it's important that you feel comfortable doing them. These exercises are gentle and can give you fast relief in your sternum!

1st exercise: shoulder rolls

It is best to stand upright for this exercise. Alternatively, you can also sit upright. Then slowly roll your shoulders forward and upward. Then you move backwards and downwards. You can repeat this exercise several times and also change the direction.

2nd exercise: Extended arm spread

For this exercise, also stand upright and stretch your arms above your head. Now interlace your fingers and turn your palms upwards. In this position, take a deep breath and raise your hands a little higher, as far as you can. Hold this position for a few seconds and then exhale deeply. Several repetitions are also recommended here.

3rd exercise: Stretching the door frame

For the door frame stretch, stand against an open door frame and extend one arm. This should be pressing against the frame and bent at a 90-degree angle. Your elbow is at shoulder level. Now lean into the door frame, very slowly and carefully, until you feel a gentle stretch in the chest area. Remain in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.

Acupressure mat for sternum pain due to tension

Are you very tense and experiencing pain in your chest? Then why not try an acupressure mat to relax yourself and your sternum. The acupressure mat consists of many small and pointed nubs, which may feel uncomfortable at first, but will certainly give you a good feeling and a more relaxed body sensation after a short time. Simply lie down on the Shakti Mat acupressure mat with the tense area for 20 to 30 minutes. For example, if you have pain in your sternum, especially in the middle, then lie on the mat with your stomach on the mat. Try to relax and breathe in deeply. Give your thoughts a break too! Many of our customers report reduced tension and less pain after using the acupressure mat. Maybe the Shakti Mat acupressure mat is something for you too! Alternatively, you can also use an acupressure cushion to improve your well-being.

Heat or cold treatments for sternum pain

With the simple means of applying heat or cold, you can sometimes relieve your pain enormously. Simply apply a cold or heat pack to the affected area and rest for a few minutes. You can repeat this as often as you like! Heat is helpful for tense muscles. If it is an inflammation or injury, cold application is usually more soothing.

breast bone pain cause

Sternal pain: our conclusion

Your sternum pain can manifest itself in different ways. Whether you have sternum pain when lying down or only when moving, whether it feels stabbing or rather dull - the pain is as individual as its causes. Home remedies such as cold and heat applications, stretching exercises or the use of an acupressure mat can help to get rid of some causes such as tension or injuries. The aim is for you to quickly return to a carefree everyday life and be pain-free at work and at play!

Nevertheless, you should always seek medical treatment if the pain is severe or occurs suddenly. It's better to go one time too many than one time too few!