From sore muscles to stinging and pulling after hours of desk work: tension in the chest can be really annoying and sometimes really painful. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips and exercises that you can use to relieve your chest muscle tension and even prevent it in the long term.
In our guide, we explain the causes and symptoms of chest pain and tell you how to spend your days full of movement and quality of life again.
1. how does chest muscle pain develop?
2 How does tension in the chest muscles manifest itself?
3. how to relieve muscle tension in the chest
4 How long does it take to relieve chest muscle tension?
6. release tension in the chest muscles: Conclusion
How does pectoral muscle pain develop?
Your body is a complex network. Musculoskeletal complaints, such as tense muscles, are the result of behaviors or habits that you might not associate with your symptoms at first glance.
Before we introduce you to helpful exercises and methods to relieve your chest muscle tension, it is therefore important to understand where the tension in your chest can come from in the first place.
Muscle tension in the chest
Tightness and hardening occur when your muscles remain tense over a long period of time and are not given sufficient opportunity to relax. Your chest muscles are no exception: sitting at a desk all day or regularly moving heavy objects, for example, can cause tension in your chest - especially if you pull your shoulders forward when sitting or lift incorrectly. Poor posture causes certain muscle groups, including the chest muscles, to become overworked, tense up and cause pain, while others remain underworked.
Good to know: Stress is also considered a contributing factor to tense muscles. If you want to relieve your chest muscle tension, you should therefore consider not only physical but also psychological causes in order to find the right treatment method for you.
Muscle soreness in the chest
Are you trying out a new workout or have you stepped up your previous training routine in the gym? Then it may not be long before you experience sore chest muscles. After unaccustomed or extreme exertion, your body reacts with microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. The result of these 'injuries' is a slight inflammation with swelling and pain. In principle, this reaction is nothing to worry about - it is part of the natural healing process and the affected muscle fibers usually regenerate after a few days. It is therefore not necessarily necessary to relieve tension in the chest muscle in this case.
Chest pain due to chest muscle inflammation
Sometimes overloading, injuries or a pulled pectoral muscle can lead to serious inflammation. If your pectoral muscle is inflamed, you will feel severe pain in the pectoral muscles over a longer period of time. In addition, swelling and redness often occur in this area. If you also suffer from persistent tiredness or fever, you should definitely have your symptoms checked out by a medical professional.
Chest tension due to cough
It may sound surprising, but coughing can also be responsible for your chest muscle pain. With a severe or chronic cough, the repetitive effort puts strain on your chest area and can cause tension in the chest muscle.
Intercostal neuropathy as a cause of chest pain
The human rib skeleton is covered and permeated by a large number of muscles. These muscles are in turn supplied by nerves, which can be irritated by hardening in the rib area or other muscle tension. This irritation sometimes leads to very severe, stabbing pain with the intensity of a heart attack. Those affected flinch in fright and involuntarily adopt a protective posture. However, this posture can put asymmetrical strain on the chest muscles and lead to further hardening in this area.

How do tensions in the chest muscles manifest themselves?
Pain, pressure on the chest and problems breathing are the main symptoms of chest muscle hardening. The symptoms can be very unsettling for those affected, as they are similar to symptoms of heart disease. In contrast to the stinging in the chest caused by a heart attack, discomfort caused by tension typically occurs when pressure is applied or worsens with certain movements such as turning the upper body.
This is how you can release the muscle tension in the chest
If the cause of your chest pain is at a muscular level, there are various ways in which you can relieve the unpleasant chest muscle tension yourself.
Here is a brief overview of the most effective "first aid methods":
Stretching exercises
If you stretch your muscles regularly, you will not only relieve tension in your chest muscles, but also improve your mobility and flexibility. In the next chapter, we will provide you with the best exercises for your chest muscles. -
Applying heat relaxes your muscles and relieves pain. For example, you could apply a heat pack or a warm towel to your chest area. The increased blood circulation counteracts the symptoms and helps you to relieve the tension in your chest muscles. -
Acupressure and massage
Massage or acupressure are your reliable companions when it comes to relieving chest muscle tension. You can either massage the affected area directly with your fingers or use an acupressure mat to get to deeper-seated hardenings. -
Relaxation techniques
As you now know, stress and restlessness can cause muscle tension. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises can help you to reduce stress and relax your entire musculature.
Release pectoral muscle tension: effective exercises for at home
Are you ready to really stretch your muscles and send your chest muscle pain on its way? We'll show you the best exercises to relax your chest muscles.
Arm circle exercise
Start in an upright, standing position. Slowly bring your left arm back first, then your right arm. You should feel a burning sensation in your chest muscles. Hold this position for a few seconds before relaxing your chest again. Then pull both shoulders forward to form a hunched back. This helps to relax the muscles you stretched earlier. Repeat this exercise several times in a row to release the tension in your chest muscles.
Door frame stretch
Stand in the middle of a door frame and place your forearms on either side of the frame with your elbows at about shoulder height. Place your feet behind each other and then slowly lean forward into the door frame until you feel a stretch in your chest. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat the exercise several times. -
Cobra yoga pose
This yoga exercise is not only perfect for releasing tension in the chest muscles, but also for strengthening the muscles in the chest area in general. Start in a prone position on the floor with your hands next to your shoulders. Press your hands into the floor while keeping your hips and legs down. Now lift your upper body up as far as feels comfortable and try to pull your shoulders away from your ears. Hold this position for a few breaths and then slowly lower yourself back down to the floor.
Tip: You can find more great yoga exercises that can help you to release tension in your chest muscles in our article on opening your chest. -
Pendulum exercise
To do this exercise, first stand up straight and let your arms hang loosely at your sides. Then start to swing your arms back and forth like a pendulum. You can also make small, circular movements with your arms. Continue this exercise for a few minutes to maximize the stretch in your chest area.
Acupressure to relieve chest muscle tension
As an ancient healing method from traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure follows the principle of meridians - pathways on your body through which your life energy flows.
Pressing specific points on these meridians promotes the flow of energy and can relieve complaints such as muscle tension.
You can use an acupressure mat to relieve chest muscle tension: First, find a comfortable place where you are undisturbed and position the mat on the floor. Lie with your back on the mat so that the many spikes press against your upper back and shoulders. This area contains numerous important acupressure points that are connected to the chest muscles and can help you to release chest muscle tension. Now relax and breathe deeply and evenly. Try to consciously "breathe into" the areas of your chest where it hurts. After an initial familiarization phase, we recommend that you stay on the mat for around 20 to 30 minutes.
How long does it take to relieve pectoral muscle tension?
Since each person reacts individually to tension, no general statements can be made about how long it takes to relieve chest muscle tension. If you are in good general health, it is quite possible that mild to moderate muscle tension will subside within a few days to a week. In very severe cases, however, it may take several weeks or even months for the pectoral muscle tension to be relieved.

An active and healthy lifestyle is the best prevention against tension - this also applies to the chest muscles. This muscle group plays a key role in your posture and freedom of movement. They support you in daily activities such as lifting objects or "just" breathing in and out.
To avoid having to release uncomfortable chest muscle tension in the first place, you can incorporate the following preventative measures into your daily routine:
Regular exercise, for example in the form of stretching exercises or walks, can help to strengthen your muscles and relieve tension in your chest muscles. Make sure to involve your chest area whenever possible during physical activity. -
Ergonomic workplace design
Poor posture at work has a negative impact on your muscles and can cause tension in your chest. Set up your workstation ergonomically, sit in a natural, upright position and change your position regularly. -
Stress management
Stress can often lead to physical tension and therefore also to muscle tension. Stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation sessions on the acupressure mat or deep breathing exercises can help you to reduce stress and eliminate tension in your chest. -
Drink enough and eat healthily
Water intake is important to maintain muscle function and prevent tension. Therefore, drink enough water or unsweetened teas throughout the day. A varied diet with sufficient protein, vitamins and minerals should also be part of your life. -
Make sure you have adequate recovery time between training sessions to give your muscles time to regenerate. Sleep also plays a crucial role in regeneration: during sleep, the growth hormone somatotropin is released, which is responsible for the repair and recovery of muscle cells.
Release pectoral muscle tension: Conclusion
Pain and tension in the chest can be caused by various factors such as intensive training, stress, poor posture or inflammation.
Those affected suffer from unpleasant symptoms ranging from stinging in the chest region to shortness of breath.
To relieve chest muscle tension, you can use special stretching exercises, heat or massages - however, it is beneficial to consult a medical professional if the pain persists.
The best remedy for chest tension is still prevention: A balanced mix of regular exercise, ergonomic workplace design, stress management, adequate hydration, healthy eating and targeted relaxation techniques will promote the health of your chest muscles.
So start giving your pecs the attention they deserve today.