Just breathe: This is how you can release tension in the chest

release tension in the chest

Restricted breathing, cramped posture - if you notice a tight feeling in your chest, you probably immediately think of a problem with your heart.
However, there is usually no need to panic: If organic causes can be ruled out, the discomfort is usually due to tense muscles. Fortunately, with a few tricks and exercises, tension in the chest can be relieved quite easily.

We'll tell you how to relieve tension in your chest and get through the day feeling relaxed again.

Let's get started!



1. tension in the chest: symptoms

2. tension in the chest: psyche and incorrect strain are often the cause

3 What to do if you have chest pain?

4. open the chest: Exercises to do at home

5. release chest muscle tension: the power of the acupressure mat

6. relieving tension in the chest: our conclusion


Tension in the chest: symptoms

Tension in the chest can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the person. Here are some common signs that you are probably dealing with tension in your chest:

  • Pain
    The most noticeable symptom is probably chest pain caused by the tension. This can be noticeable as stabbing, pressing or burning and is often concentrated in certain areas of the body. It is also possible for the pain to radiate, for example to the back.
  • Restricted movement
    If you have tension in your chest, you may find that your ability to move is restricted - especially when turning your upper body or lifting objects.
  • Problems with breathing and lying down
    Chest tension can literally take your breath away. The feeling of not being able to breathe deeply into your lungs is typical.
    When lying down, you therefore find it difficult to adopt a comfortable position.
  • Anxiety and restlessness
    Due to the tightness in the chest and the worry of suffering a heart attack, tension in the chest area often triggers anxiety.

Chest pain: tension or heart?

Chest pain can be worrying - because it is often difficult to determine whether it is caused by tension or a heart problem. To differentiate between the two triggers, you can use the following points as a guide: Chest pain caused by tension is usually associated with a certain movement or posture and is exacerbated by this. Pressure on the affected area further increases the pain, while stretching exercises or massages can relieve tension in the chest.

Chest pain due to a heart problem, on the other hand, is pressing, burning or squeezing and occurs in the middle of the chest or on the left side of the body. It occurs during physical exertion, radiates to the arms or neck and subsides during periods of rest. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness or sweating.

Note: The differences are not always clear. In case of persistent or severe chest pain, especially in combination with shortness of breath, dizziness or nausea, you should definitely be examined by a medical professional - better safe than sorry!

cause of tension in the rib cage

Tension in the chest: psyche and incorrect stresses are often the cause

There are many reasons for tension in the chest. In most cases, it is a combination of physical and psychological causes: From a physical point of view, for example, poor posture at the desk, a bad mattress, constantly looking at your smartphone, one-sided muscle strain, little exercise, bras that are too tight, overexertion orincorrect breathing techniques can lead to tension in the chest. In terms of the psyche, stress, anxiety and panic attacks can contribute to chest pain as you unconsciously tense your chest muscles.

What to do for chest pain?

If the chest pain is exclusively tense muscles, there are a few simple tricks that will ease the discomfort, calm your body, and relieve the tension in your chest.

  • Keep calm
    If you feel pain in your chest, the golden rule is: stay calm first - because stress and anxiety can actually make the tension and pain worse. Make yourself aware that tension in the chest is a relatively common problem and can usually be alleviated with targeted measures.
  • Focus on your breath
    Conscious breathing can help to release tension in the chest. Breathe through your nose as deeply as you can into your stomach. Breathe out through your mouth.
  • Comfortable position
    Find a comfortable position that minimizes the pressure on your chest - for example, by standing up and walking around or sitting down.
  • Apply heat
    A warm compress, a hot water bottle or a warm bath are particularly helpful for tense muscles in the chest, as they help to relax the muscles.
  • Light stretching exercises
    Stretching exercises can help you to relieve tension in your chest. We present the most important exercises below.

Best chest stretching exercise

Chest tension? The following exercise is suitable for both reducing acute pain and preventing chest tension in the long term. Ideally, you should do it every morning and evening.

First, stand in front of a free-standing corner of the room and stretch both arms out so that your hands touch the left and right walls. Now take a small step with one foot and pull your sternum forward until you feel a pleasant stretch. Remain in this position for one minute and try to stretch more intensely with each exhalation to release the tension in your chest. However, be sure to consider your personal pain threshold.

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Open chest: Exercises for at home

If you perform the next four exercises correctly and gently, they can develop their effect optimally and release tension in the chest.

The so-called 'sphinx' is the most popular yoga exercise for opening up the chest. To do this, lie on your stomach, support yourself on your forearms and straighten your upper body. Your elbows should be on the floor, directly under your relaxed shoulders. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.

The shoulder bridge is also a great yoga pose for stretching the chest. Lie on your back on a mat, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Next, lift your pelvis and roll your shoulders under your body. If it feels good, you can also 'clasp' your hands together. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.

Another yoga exercise that can help to relieve tension in the chest is the 'fish pose'. Here too, you lie flat on your back on the yoga mat. Your legs are straight and your feet are touching. Your palms are on the floor next to your body. Now press your forearms and elbows into the floor and lift your upper body. This creates an 'arch' shape with your chest pointing towards the ceiling. Next, carefully drop your head back and position the top of your head on the mat. The weight should be mainly on your forearms and elbows. Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths before slowly lowering your body back onto the mat. You should not do this exercise if you have neck problems!

Last but not least, let's focus on the 'floor angel': this exercise opens and stretches your chest area and can help you to release tension in your chest. To do this, lie down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Stretch your arms out to the side with your palms facing upwards. Now slowly move your arms up above your head - similar to the well-known snow angel. Then slowly bring your arms back to their starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times and notice how the tension in your chest is released.

treat tension in the chest

Release pectoral muscle tension: the power of acupressure mat

If you want to relieve unpleasant tension in your chest, the acupressure mat is a perfect option. The principle is based on an ancient practice from traditional Chinese medicine: the small, pointed nubs on the mat stimulate your acupressure points. This can stimulate your circulation, calm your nervous system and relax tense muscles - including the muscles in your chest.
It is best to lay the mat on a flat surface and slowly place your back on it. It is particularly effective for tension in the chest if your upper back and shoulder blades are in contact with the mat. For the next 20 minutes, try to relax and breathe deeply through your nose into your stomach. After use, you should feel a pleasant warmth in your back and chest.

Release tension in the chest: our conclusion

Chest pain can limit your quality of life. Fortunately, there are a few ways to relieve tension in the chest and improve your well-being.
From heat applications and yoga positions to using an acupressure mat: the options are varied and can easily be integrated into your everyday life. Also remember that regular exercise and relaxation have a decisive influence on the health of your chest and the relief of tension. Therefore, always pay attention to your posture and take short breaks from sitting for long periods of time. When you are stressed and tense, you should also take the time to breathe deeply and practice sufficient self-care - another effective way to relieve tension in your chest.

We wish you much success on your way to more ease and well-being!