Woman lies on ShaktiMat Acupressure Mat Premium - Black and on the Shakti Acupressure Pillow black and relaxes during a meditation

But what makes meditation so special and why is this thousands of years old tradition becoming more and more important for us in the West when it comes to our mental health? You can find more information about why acupressure and meditation go well together here.

We have already created numerous 15-minute meditations for you. More will follow in the coming months.

You can find our relaxation music and healing sounds here.

The ShaktiMat Meditation

Are you ready for your first Shakti experience, but not sure how to get started? Or do you need support to really engage in your relaxation? The following meditation is designed to facilitate your regular practice with the ShaktiMat. Especially in the beginning it can be challenging to get used to the stimuli of the thousand needles. We will guide you step by step for a deeply relaxing, meditative experience.🧘‍♀️ Even as an experienced:r Shakti:ni, this meditation can help you to relax even better on your ShaktiMat.💓🌵

Rest in you

Deep, steady breathing is a crucial part of any meditation.🧘‍♀️ Deep breathing in and out signals to our nervous system that everything is okay, calms the voices in our head, and allows the body to relax. Breathing is also important for our practice with the ShaktiMat, because the body can react quite intensely to the stimuli of the thousands of needles. In the I am meditation we use our breath and the power of our thoughts to reconnect consciously with our body and our self. It can help us to keep calm in moments of nervousness or fear and to see clearly again.💓🌵

The grounding meditation

Do you sometimes feel lost or somehow out of place? Do you find it difficult to feel really at home in one place? Or do you simply need more stability in your life? When we can trust in the earth and feel solid ground beneath our feet, we develop a secure sense of home, no matter where we are. If we can create a safe place within ourselves, changes around us are less likely to upset us.🧘‍♀️ A healthy earth connection gives us stability, confidence and an anchor to unfold from there in all directions.💓🌵

Mindfulness meditation

Do you feel stressed, driven or even anxious? Are you sometimes overwhelmed with all the things that come at you every day? The practice of mindfulness can help us find peace by releasing us from the endless entanglements of our thoughts.🧘‍♀️ The voices in our head will always be there, but with meditation we manage to identify with them less. In time, there will be less noise up there. We follow our breathing very attentively and thus practice being in the moment and always consciously finding ourselves in the here and now.💓🌵

Chakra Journey

You feel unbalanced? Your emotions are often out of control and you could use some centering? A chakra meditation can help you bring balance into your life. By lying on the ShaktiMat acupressure mat you additionally stimulate your energy centers. Chakras, according to Buddhist and Yogic teachings, are junctions of thousands of energy pathways that run through our bodies. Each chakra represents certain attributes and emotions. With the help of this guided meditation you can learn to feel each of the seven main chakras and re-energize them.💓🌵


Metta means friendship or loving kindness. Also known as Loving Kindness, this form of mediation helps us practice friendship with ourselves and kindness with all the beings around us. These basic practices from Buddhism help us create a stable connection with our heart, accept ourselves and others as we are, and steadily practice unconditional love.💓🌵

Chakra Journey

Under the motto: "Dealing with stress in a healthy way", Stresstreff has set itself the goal of bringing a little more relaxation into your life. There you will find some information on the topic of stress and also various free instructions with relaxation exercises. To make your time on the ShaktiMat a bit more relaxing, we created a dream journey for the acupressure mat, which we want to share with you and which you can download here for free:
Stresstreff and ShaktiMat wish you a lot of relaxation and a stress-free time.🧡🧘‍♀️

The 5 elements meditation

What We Are - The 5 Elements Meditation with the ShaktiMat:
Sometimes it's hard to stay grounded, to really find peace and know where you are at home. In this mediation, we will connect with the earth through the five elements and reflect on the fact that we are a part of her - welcome home.💓🌵