Do you feel pain in your buttocks or hip area? Perhaps this is a trigger point that has developed. Tension that persists over a certain period of time can quickly lead to severe pain that radiates to other parts of the body. If the trigger point is located in the piriformis, for example, the lower back and the upper back of the thigh will also hurt. However, small hardenings that cause a lot of pain can also be easily released. Here you can find out everything you need to know about trigger points and their origin and how you can release trigger points in the buttocks.
1 What is a trigger point: an overview
2. trigger points buttocks: what is their origin?
3. symptoms and pain: sciatica and piriformis syndrome trigger points
4. release trigger points buttocks - how to proceed with the treatment
5 How quickly does the treatment of trigger points work?
6. preventive measures against trigger points in the buttocks
What is a trigger point: an overview
Trigger points can occur anywhere where muscles are located. They are hardenings within a bundle of muscle fibers. Tension in the buttocks, for example, triggers trigger points when the muscles become too tense and can no longer relax. This prevents blood flow to the body region and, as a result, the supply of nutrients and oxygen is largely cut off.
If a trigger point has developed, you can usually feel it under your skin. The spot is hardened and can be perceived as a small lump. If you touch this point or even apply pressure, the pain radiates to other parts of the body.
Trigger points buttocks: what is their origin?
Trigger points in the buttocks are triggered when there is tension and hardening in the piriformis or sciatica area. The piriformis is a muscle that is located deep in the buttock area and starts on the inside of the pelvis. And where is the sciatic nerve located? The sciatic nerve, on the other hand, is the longest and thickest nerve in the entire body. It starts in the lower back and runs down the back of the thigh to the foot. The sciatic nerve, also known as the sciatic nerve, can be pinched and cause pain in the back of the thigh, foot and lower leg.
As you can see, the cause of your pain does not have to be directly at the site of the pain. Trigger points cause what is called fascial pain, which radiates to other areas of the body. These are called reference zones. Triggers for your pain caused by piriformis trigger points or sciatica trigger points are often incorrect or excessive strain. Reasons can also be one-sided movement during sports or an injury. Sometimes stress and mental tension are also the reason for trigger points in the sciatica and piriformis.

Symptoms and pain: sciatica and piriformis syndrome trigger points
As mentioned above, the symptoms and pain caused by the trigger point buttocks are very different. Often the pain is felt in the buttocks, hips, lower back, upper or lower leg and even in the foot.
Other complaints that also occur due to the piriformis syndrome
- In man: impotence
- Sexual dysfunction
- Pain during defecation
- Sensitivity disorders in the area of the back
- Pain localized between external genital organ and anus (also called perineum).
- Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse)
Release trigger points buttocks - this is how to proceed with the treatment
You want to solve the trigger points in the buttocks? Often this can be done easily at home with your own treatment. However, if you are not sure, it is better to see a doctor who can take a close look at your symptoms. Depending on the situation, pain can be aggravated by physical activity, hip adduction with flexion and internal rotation, and by normal sitting. So before you start your own trigger point treatment, ask yourself if you are comfortable doing so or if you would rather wait for professional advice first.
Trigger point therapy and trigger point massage
You can use trigger point therapy or trigger point massage on yourself to loosen up your muscles. This way you can easily relieve yourself from the pain. For the right trigger point massage you have to find the hard spots on your body and massage them in gentle and circular movements. You can perform such a trigger point massage up to three times a day to relieve the pain. Be careful not to apply too much pressure so as not to increase the pain and trigger points. A massage ball can also help you massage the right places in your buttocks.
Heat for trigger point treatment
Heat can also be helpful for trigger point therapy. Before you apply a massage to loosen trigger points in the buttocks, you can also treat them with heat. For example, you can simply place a hot water bottle, a cherry pit cushion or a heating pad on the affected areas. About ten to 15 minutes a day can make a big difference.
Release trigger points buttocks and treat trigger points sciatica: Exercises for home
In addition, there are also some exercises that help to release trigger points in the buttocks. However, you should be really careful not to irritate the tension even more. If the pain worsens while doing the exercises, you should stop immediately.
A simple exercise for the muscles of the buttocks can be done with the help of a chair. To do this, simply sit on the chair and cross one leg over the other. Try to place your foot at the level of your thigh and then slowly push your knee down.
Release trigger points in the buttocks: Treatment with an acupressure mat
An acupressure mat can be an everyday aid in the fight against trigger points. This is a massage device that you can easily use yourself. The acupressure mat consists of many small nubs that stimulate the blood circulation in your body. With the handmade acupressure mat from Shakti Mat, you can release tension, reduce stress and relieve trigger points such as sciatica and piriformis. This is because it promotes the supply of nutrients and the metabolism. Just 15 minutes a day is enough to provide relaxation.
When nothing helps: professional trigger point acupuncture
If you don't manage to relieve and get rid of your pain by yourself, you can also try trigger point acupuncture. This professional therapy to release the trigger points in the buttocks is usually very efficient. This is because the fine needles can be used to target the trigger points and relieve pain significantly. Trigger point acupuncture tries to achieve a twitching of the muscle, as this leads to particularly fast success in pain relief.
How quickly does the treatment of trigger points work?
If you try to release your trigger points in the buttocks, it may take a while before you notice results. Depending on the hardening, the trigger points in the buttocks can be solved better or worse. The longer you delay therapy, the longer the treatment will usually take.
If the trigger points are still relatively new, you may feel an improvement immediately after treatment. Otherwise, you should try to release the trigger points in the buttocks by practicing the treatment regularly day after day. You should notice an improvement after a few days. You should also be aware that the pain will not disappear forever. With this pain, your body has already revealed to you where your weak points are. You should strengthen these by exercising regularly to prevent new pain.

Preventive measures against trigger points in the buttocks
Now you have already learned a lot about trigger points in the overview and how you can solve trigger points in the buttocks. But you shouldn't just spring into action when you're in pain. Rather, it's also about avoiding trigger points in the future. We've put together a few tips on how you can avoid trigger points in the buttocks and symptoms:
1. vary desk positions
Especially when you work in one-sided positions at your desk, trigger points can develop quickly. It's best to try working in a standing position. If you work sitting at a desk, you should always make sure that your posture is upright. In addition, you should regularly stand up and walk a few steps to give your body a break from the rigid position.
2. a few minutes on the acupressure mat
Of course, you can also use the high-quality acupressure mat from Shakti Mat not only to treat trigger points, but also to prevent them. All you need to do is take a few minutes a day and give your body a soothing massage with the mat.
3. regular sport
Finding a physical balance to everyday life is the best preventive measure against tension in the buttocks. Regular exercise keeps you fit and balances your muscles.
Our conclusion
We hope that we were able to shed some light on this post and that you were able to learn a lot about trigger points. If you feel good about it, you can now try to solve your trigger points in the buttocks. We always recommend that you see a professional doctor who can take a close look at your symptoms. If it is really trigger points in the piriformis or sciatic nerve area, then you will probably get similar recommendations from your doctor on how to release the trigger points in your buttocks. This article is meant to be a guide for that.