Relieve PMS, menstruation and menopause naturally

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Women's Special PMS, Menstruation and Menopause: How Acupressure Can Help You in Difficult Phases

What a beautiful day: International Women's Day! This year, for the first time, we are celebrating International Women's Day as a public, non-working holiday in Berlin, and it is also beginning to take on the significance it deserves in this country.    

Women have a very special position at ShaktiMat anyway, not for nothing the word "Shakti" in Sanskrit means "female creativity and education". 

Women Empowerment is therefore not just a trend for us, but a set of beliefs that we try to mirror in all our actions and live in our daily work madness. Both in Germany and in India, where the ShaktiMats are produced by hand by great women. We want to especially honor them today and in the future.  

That's why it was clear to us that today we had to make a contribution that will make many women particularly happy: a discussion of topics that concern the female sex and are not always easy to handle: Premenstrual syndrome, menstruation and menopause.

For as much equality as we would like to have, we have to face the fact that women and men are very different in purely biological terms.

This means, first and foremost, that women face different challenges than men as part of the female cycle. They get to enjoy periods, possibly give birth, or go through hormonal changes as fertility declines. (To name just a few of the circumstances that men will forever be denied).   

Therefore, we have decided - especially today, but also for the future - to give you wonderful women with this post a support, how you can support the female cycle with the help of acupressure symptoms - for a life with less pain and more joy!

And the most beautiful thing: For every ShaktiMat sold today, we will donate 2€ to FEMNET, an association that campaigns for women's rights in the global garment industry. To make a difference together with you.

But now, have fun reading today's article and enjoy your future acupressure practice :) 

Yay! Science is starting to get excited about acupressure

Acupressure has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which began over 5000 years ago. So for thousands of years now, people have been pressing on their bodies and then noticing positive changes. We still find this totally impressive.  

It is also impressive that science is increasingly beginning to get excited about this alternative concept and is trying to grasp the connections.

The Charité in Berlin, for example, conducted a study to find out whether acupressure can sustainably reduce menstrual pain. An app guided female test subjects for self-acupressure before and during menstruation and helped with instructions for relieving symptoms.

And lo and behold, the amazing results: After three months in the acupressure group, 37 percent of the participants achieved a five percent reduction in pain. After six months, this figure had risen to 58 percent of the participants, i.e. more than half. The acupressure group had to take less pain medication and reported lower pain intensity overall. Aren't these wonderful results?

Dr. Daniel Pach of the Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics himself commented, "We were surprised that after six months, two-thirds of the participants were still continuing to do self-acupressure."

So we hold: it is scientifically proven that acupressure relieves period pain and helps in the long term.

How acupressure supports female health

Relax: Shaktimat PMS, menstruation and menopause

Many more studies now prove that acupressure treatments can also help reduce symptoms such as discomfort, abdominal cramps, or hot flashes that can accompany PMS, menstruation, or menopause.

Why is this so? Well, Traditional Chinese Medicine follows the assumption that everything in our bodies is controlled by two equal but different poles: Yin and Yang.

Our well-being and health stands and falls with the balance of these two poles. Healthy women usually don't have to do very much to keep this energy in balance - it happens naturally.

Now, when women enter more challenging phases of their cycle, such as menstruation or menopause, it becomes more difficult to maintain the balance between yin and yang.

What then often happens here is that one tends towards one of the two extremes, resulting in symptoms such as hot flashes, abdominal pain or tension in the breasts, which are perceived as unpleasant. A problematic relationship between yin and yang can also lead to higher risks of disease in the long term.

It is therefore important to recognize this imbalance and to counteract it so that the life energy, also called our "Qi", can just bubble away.

Acupressure and PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

PMS can occur about one to two weeks before menstruation and can bring a wide range of symptoms: Irritability, anger, hypersensitivity, mood swings, headaches or cravings. Doesn't sound so much like "want to have", does it?  

But there are words of encouragement: you're not alone in this. About 75 percent of all women who menstruate struggle with the same problems. Women over 35 in particular often suffer from PMS. About 5 percent have it so badly that they feel restricted in their everyday lives and cannot go to work, for example. Unfortunately, society still lacks the necessary awareness to recognize this condition as serious.   

The beauty is that there are natural ways to gently relieve the pain without having to resort to pills. Acupressure, for example, offers you self-help support to bring those negative feelings and symptoms under control and rebalance your yin and yang.

There are clear parallels to acupuncture in this regard. The goal is: Always bring on the endorphins! Especially in the phase before menstruation, we need them urgently to increase our well-being and alleviate any symptoms.  

Your acupressure routine for PMS symptoms

Step 1: B48 helps you let go of stress

Lie on your back and create pressure on the acupressure point B48 (see illustration) using your fists or tennis balls. Gently roll from one side to the other for one minute at a time. Now move your fists or tennis balls outward and inward and roll from side to side again for one minute at a time.

This exercise releases emotional tension in the pelvis and buttocks, thus naturally helping to bring some relaxation to this area.  

Shaktimat B48 helps you let go of stress

Step 2: Sp 12 and Sp 13 against cramps

These two points are located exactly in the crease where the legs join your torso (see illustration). Apply pressure to both of these points for 2 minutes and breathe deeply into your abdomen.

This exercise reduces frustration and cramps in the abdomen. 

Shaktimat Sp 12 and Sp 13 against cramps

Step 3: GB 20 for more relaxation  

Place both fingertips in the cavity under your head and gently apply pressure while tilting your head back (see the points in the image above). Relax your shoulders and breathe deeply in and out for one minute. This will give you release and relaxation. 

What else can work wonders for PMS symptoms

  • Healthy eating is important: reduce dairy products, caffeine, white sugar, soft drinks, chocolate and animal fats to support your body during difficult periods.
  • Instead, eat more whole grains and fresh vegetables to absorb valuable vitamins and nutrients.
  • Be sure to get enough relaxation, exercise and stretching to relieve the body and give it energy.

Acupressure and menstruation

Shaktimat Woman

Almost every woman of childbearing age has to deal with menstruation. Actually a wonderful experience, considering that the period is the sign of fertility and thus offers women the basis to have an extraordinary experience. So why is it that sometimes it feels like nature is trying to play a trick on you?

Unfortunately, very few women see the period as a gift, but rather as a curse. No wonder, because menstrual cramps in the form of period pain are among the most frequently documented complaints to the gynecologist.

The most common complaints are abdominal cramps, back pain, malaise, diarrhea, sensitive nipples, fatigue or emotional tension. 

Unfortunately, most women believe that menstrual pain is normal and "just part of it". Many believe that you simply have to suffer through this phase and try to combat the symptoms with painkillers or other aids such as hot water bottles.

To be honest, society has also contributed a little to this awareness, because somehow the period is still a taboo subject, which women do not like to talk about and which is rather rarely acknowledged, for example, if one cannot work or is otherwise unable to perform.

So while periods are supposed to be a period of cleansing, where we women go into ourselves, renew our bodies and prepare for a new cycle, we often try to skillfully ignore the fact and just carry on as before.

At the same time, we need above-average rest, especially during this time, so that the body can let this process run normally. Any stress is pure poison and leads to blockages of our life energy.

Your acupressure routine for menstrual cramps

Make yourself really comfortable at home and make sure you are undisturbed (cell phone silent or off). It can be quite cozy on a mat or in your bed with lots of Pillow and warm blankets J   

Step 1: Massage your feet

Sit on your sitting bones and let your feet touch each other (butterfly pose in yoga). Now start massaging your feet for about 2 minutes, pressing and kneading different areas. Think about your toes as well, rotating them and gently pulling on each one. Knead your ankles as well, especially the Achilles tendon, because there are important acupressure points here that help your uterus relax. Apply pressure where it feels right. Take a lot of time to do this.

Step 2: Let's knot Sp 6 in front of us

Breathe deeply in and out while gently applying pressure to the acupressure point Sp 6 (about 4 finger widths above the inner ankle, see illustration). Do this for one minute on each side. What can help with this exercise: inwardly repeating a phrase over and over that signals to your body that it is time to relax. For example, "I allow my body and mind to relax and let go."

 ShaktiMat Let's look at Sp 6 before

Step 3: Sp 10 against worries, cravings and cramps

Now lie on one side and form a fist with both hands. Stack the fists on top of each other and place them between your inner thighs. Do this in such a way that when we bring the knees together, you exert pressure on Sp 10 (see illustration) with one fist at a time (the fists remain connected). Thus, the upper leg resting on your two fists can create the pressure on the points. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for 2 minutes.

This exercise will help you with worries, cravings, abdominal cramps and imbalance in the female organs. 

What the ShaktiMat can do for you during your period

What the ShaktiMat can do for you during your period

If you are a lucky owner of a ShaktiMat, you can check for yourself if the ShaktiMat can support you in this special time.

Many of our customers report beneficial experiences with the acupressure mat during menstruation. For example, Silvia A., she wrote us in a review:

"I was very skeptical about the ShaktiMat at first. But I was taught better. In the meantime, I can't imagine my everyday life without the ShaktiMat. Especially after a hard day at work it is a real relief to relax on it. Back pain, neck tension, but also period pains and muscle problems are now a thing of the past. I can only recommend the ShaktiMat."

However, it is very important to mention here that just as every woman is different, the needs during this time also vary greatly from woman to woman. This means that not every woman will be enthusiastic about using the ShaktiMat during her period.

If you want to try it out for yourself, here's what you can do:

Lie with your lower back on the acupressure mat, gently pull your legs towards you and roll back and forth a little - just the way it feels right for you.

This will stimulate your fasciae in your lower back, which in turn will help relieve that uncomfortable feeling of being cramped and also release intestinal twists that often cause additional pain.

After just 20 minutes on the acupressure mat, noticeable pain relief can begin and you can feel the warmth spreading through your body. This can be incredibly beneficial.

Especially just before your period and once the bleeding subsides a bit, this is a great way to feel more comfortable.

If you have a rather heavy bleeding, then be very careful here and listen to your body, because lying exercises during the period can cause dizziness when you stand up. If in doubt, simply take hot or alternating hot-cold showers to stimulate your circulation.  

What else can make your life easier during your period

Essential oils can work wonders and are especially good to use during exercise. Be it on the skin (careful with your skin reaction) or with the help of a fragrance lamp. 

His own preference must find everyone himself, because as is known, tastes are different. Often lavender oil is recommended for menstrual cramps due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Because just when the uterus is contracting and contracting again, it can cause it to feel inflamed. The lavender oil ensures that you give your uterus a little rest and help it with a feeling of relaxation. 

Acupressure and menopause

Acupressure and menopause Shaktimat

Menopause describes the transition from a time when women can have children to a time when pregnancy is no longer possible.

Menopause usually begins in the mid-40s, although this can vary greatly from woman to woman. In this phase of life, menstrual periods become increasingly irregular until they finally stop completely. The last bleeding is then called "menopause".

This phase is challenging for many women, both mentally and physically, because they experience many different symptoms that can make life difficult: Hot flashes, malaise, sweats and night sweats are just a few of them.

The main reason for this is the hormonal balance of the woman, which changes during this time and prepares for a new phase of life.

Again, it can be said cautiously: if you react with extreme hot flashes, sleep disturbances or night sweats, then this could be related to an imbalance of your qi, i.e. your life energy, because there are also many women for whom menopause passes by completely without symptoms.

So, before resorting directly to pills, you could try to facilitate this evolution of your body with the help of natural means, such as teas, tinctures, ointments, acupuncture or even acupressure.

Acupressure is thus a good alternative to strong medications and hormone therapies that try to combat menopausal symptoms.

When you combine it with other alternative approaches, such as changing your diet, herbs, stress reduction, and exercise, you can create your very own tactics to balance your yin and yang. 

 Your acupressure routine during menopause

Your acupressure routine during menopause

Pull up a comfortable chair and try to completely let go and relax.  

Step 1: Massage and stretch

Take about 10 minutes to stretch tense areas of your body - do this very consciously. Rotate all your joints, especially your head and shoulders. Then go to your hands and feet and make sure to breathe deeply while massaging them. 

Step 2: Sp 4 and GB 41 provide relief

While sitting, grab your right foot and apply pressure to sp 4 with your thumb (see illustration). This is the point in the middle of the inside of your foot. Because you now have the other fingers free, apply pressure with them on GB 41, on the outside of your foot, see illustration. Then switch sides and do the same with your left foot.

Step 3: What can CV 6 do?

About two finger widths below your belly button is the acupressure point CV 6 (see illustration). Use your fingertips to press on this point while breathing long and deep into your belly.

This exercise will help you with many of the challenges that menopause can bring. 


Good sleep gives the body the rest it needs to adjust

During menopause, many women complain mainly that they have trouble sleeping, wake up a lot, can no longer fall asleep, have nightmares or experience hot flashes at night.

Of course, this can have both mental and physical causes. Especially in the phase of menopause, it is important to give the body enough rest and relaxation to make energy for a new phase of life. Good sleep is the main prerequisite for this.

Many of our customers tell us that the ShaktiMat helps them to fall asleep quickly and to have a deeper sleep.

This can be explained like this: Lying on an acupressure mat triggers certain acupressure points, stimulates the circulation and relaxes the muscles. That is why the back becomes so red and warm. The muscles relaxed in this way make sleep deeper, longer and more pleasant.

So that your body can concentrate on the really important things. 

A few words of encouragement in closing....

Dear women, let us see our bodies as a gift today and in the future. The possibility of being a woman also means being able to feel special emotions, to be creators and to bring life into this world.


Perhaps this perspective can help us bring a compassionate view to PMS, menstrual and menopausal discomfort and provide our bodies with all the rest and relaxation they deserve, especially during these phases.


With this in mind, celebrate yourselves on this wonderful day. We do it too, we promise! 

Illustrations of the acupressure points are from this book:

Acupressure for Emotional Healing by Michael Reed Gach, P.h.D. and Beth Ann Henning, Dipl. A.B.T.

Sources that inspired us in this article:

Acupressure for Women - Relieve Symptoms of Dozens of Health by Susan M. Lark, M.D.

Acupressure and Reflexology For Dummies by Bobbi Dempsey and Synthia Andrews

Acupressure - how to cure common ailments the natural way by Michael Reed Gach, P.h.D.

Women benefit from self-help via app