Employee health and acupressure

Promoting employee health with acupressure

We are convinced that self-care should not only have a permanent place in the private sphere, but should also be on the radar of employers. After all, managers in particular are aware of the pressure to perform and need to find a way to deal with it, because nobody benefits from burnout. It is therefore important to create an awareness that health always comes before work.

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What is employee health?

When we talk about health, we often think of physical health first, but mental health is just as important. Poor physical health can lead to poor mental health and vice versa. That's why the definition of employee health includes not only the physical state, but also the mental state. 

What can a company or organization do?

From an economic perspective, it is a fact that healthy and satisfied employees cost a company less. But it is also worth promoting employee health in terms of work culture and cooperation. It is quite logical that a person who feels seen, supported, secure and recognized does a better job than someone who is only there because they have to be. So we're not just talking about more productivity or less absenteeism, but also a better company image, more commitment and less fluctuation. In view of the current trend towards more home office and remote working, many teams are currently having to redesign these conditions. And the trend towards New Work fits in perfectly here: people need to be able to come to work in their entirety, not just in one role.

The following measures can already help to create a better working atmosphere:

  • Create structures in which those affected can talk openly about illnesses.
  • Meaning the next "How are you?" seriously, rather than just as a polite phrase.
  • Careful handling of questions about illnesses, as these are often taboo in society.
  • Creating space and competence in dealing with emotions - Both are components of a sustainable working world.
  • Introduce honest, short check-in rounds as a format to combat loneliness.
  • Promote the 4-day workweek: This has been proven to reduce sick leave, increase productivity, and increase employee satisfaction.
  • Mindfulness, meditation, therapy, exercise, taking breaks and eating healthy are among them when we talk about taking care of our health, just like doctor visits. 

It is always necessary to consider both sides: Body and psyche. Companies must learn to look at the overall situation. Breaks on the acupressure mat can help here.

Chronic diseases on the job

While it's actually said "Stay home when you're sick," this doesn't apply to people with chronic diseases, because they are accompanied by them every day. As a study by Frankfurt's Goethe University shows, around 50 percent of all people in Germany are affected. If so many people are chronically ill, perhaps our understanding of health in general needs updating: 

We need a working environment that enables everyone to work well. A start to this can be an open approach to the subject of illness. After all, if we assume that 50 percent of the team is carrying something around with them, it should no longer be taboo to talk about it. Provided, of course, that those affected want to. 

Many people are not aware that complaints such as allergies, anxiety disorders, asthma, arthrosis, high blood pressure, back pain, migraine, depression, endometriosis, eating disorders, cancer, Crohn's disease or addictions are also included. Pretty much no one is completely healthy, on close inspection. That's why it makes more sense to adapt the job to people's needs than the other way around. 

For some conditions, an acupressure mat can be a real help in releasing stress and counteracting pain: 

When we let go of that, we realize that we can't control everything. No one can be completely healthy all the time. 

Focus on mental health

Employers should be aware that stress is a major factor contributing to depression and burnout. Time pressure, overtime, constant availability, social conflicts - all of these can make a job hazardous to health. Often, the stresses have merely shifted from the physical to the psychological. Absenteeism due to mental illness has doubled in the last ten years. Even more knowledge on the part of companies about how to deal with problems and crises can be a great help. 

For example, in many countries there is an obligation to complete first-aid courses for mental health, equivalent to medical first-aid. This is because the earlier sufferers receive professional help, the better their chances of recovery. More than 40% of the German population experience a mental disorder requiring treatment at least once in their lives. Nevertheless, there are many uncertainties and prejudices about this topic. MHFA courses provide knowledge to recognize mental health problems and crises in loved ones, and skills to competently support those affected. 

If you want to focus on and promote people, you cannot leave out their illnesses. Suffering and pain are human and exist just as much at work as in private life. 

Companies that take responsibility

We have contacted companies that have the health promotion of their team on the screen and ordered acupressure pillows, rings or acupressure mats for their employees from us. We wanted to know how they came up with it and how acupressure is received by the team.

"Our team was delighted with the rings and they are actually being used by everyone. A good investment for us and a much nicer and more sensual gift than the usual sweets and office stuff." - writes Katja from Vivala Mama

Viva la Mama is a young label from Berlin. They design, produce and sell jackets for pregnant women and babywearing mamas. Every year the team gives away small Christmas surprises to all employees and there were already fans of our acupressure mats. 

Isabel, the shoping manager describes her experience with the massage ring as follows:

"When I have the ring at my workplace, I use it all the time. I massage all my fingers with it because it really feels good.
It also warms up cold mouse fingers. If I don't take care of the ring, my 3-year-old son grabs it. He thinks it's great, too."

Michèle Lindner, the managing director of GfN Herstellung von Naturextrakten GmbH even gave us a short interview and an insight into her decision-making process: 

How did you actually come up with the idea that an acupressure pillow would make a great employee gift?

"I care very much about the relaxation and health of my employees. In my life, I had several acupuncture treatments during a difficult time in my health, which helped me a lot in healing at that time. And that's what these shakti tips reminded me of. A few months ago, I visited a yoga studio and had the pleasure of standing barefoot on a ShaktiMat myself. I felt what it triggered in my body. The first contact with my bare foot was quite painful. Now I stand on my ShaktiMat more often, but very carefully.

Of course, I myself am a big fan of sustainable and fair production, to really support the countries and cooperatives, which in turn support women or disadvantaged groups. So there was definitely also the social thought with me in mind. "

What feedback did you get from your colleagues about the acupressure pads?

"We have generally received positive feedback on the bolsters. Some of the employees (and myself) decided to buy the matching mat as well.

Many of the customers and important business partners to whom we had also ordered the acupressure cushions as a Christmas gift, were of course very surprised. It must be said, however, that we put a lot of thought into it every year, because an 08/15 gift is out of the question for us. This always goes down very well with employees, customers and business partners."

How much attention do you pay to work-life balance at GFN Selco?

"I make sure to offer employees opportunities for fitness and health. For example, we have set up a fitness room here and everyone has the option of a job bike (which is used with pleasure). We also try to offer home office options and flexible working hours in many areas. I try to be strict about not accumulating overtime (we strictly adhere to the official overtime regulations). We also try to keep overtime within reasonable limits by always hiring enough employees to ensure that the work can be done during regular working hours.

One of my highest and most important quality goals is to have healthy and motivated employees. And I can only achieve this by treating my employees with respect, fairness and appreciation, and not by squeezing the maximum performance out of them in order to optimize my profit to one."

It is important not to minimize burdens and barriers, but to focus on and address them.

At QAware, a consulting and project house for software technology in Munich, CEO Christian Kamm inspired the entire team with the topic of acupressure:

"I originally got to know the ShaktiMat during a visit to my daughter in Berlin. At first I could hardly stand it. Then came the deep relaxation and I was thrilled. When the Corona time came soon after, we in QAware were looking for useful tools to support our team at home as good as possible. I brought up the suggestion of sending everyone a ShatkiMat to effectively relax during Zoom breaks. The idea was very well received by our nearly 200 employees. We also found the sustainability aspect of the ShatkiMat very valuable: the fact that they are made with high-quality and natural materials, sewn locally by women in India who can earn a living with them. All around a successful product!"

The ShaktiMat - Back to Work Survival Package

Now that many people need to get back to the office, we have put together a special set of helping ShaktiMat acupressure products. Because it's often the little breaks that make a big difference in our everyday lives. These three tools can help you, for example, with cold, stiff fingers or against headaches, they bring your body to briefly switch off and relax. They reactivate your self-healing powers and trick your psyche for a few moments. This will make it easier for you to really look away from the screen for a moment and engage with your body.

This contains the perfect package for your workday: 

The Shakti Acupressure Headband

Sometimes everything is too much and you don't manage to switch off your head? Or the first signs of a headache already announce in the morning? Then the headband can help you to do something about it. 264 tips help you and act like a head massage. Practical: You can determine the intensity yourself with the Velcro fastener. If you often suffer from stress-triggered migraines or headaches, the acupressure headband can really make a difference in your workday. Folded up, it's smaller than a pencil case and fits in any pocket.

The Shakti acupressure ring

Your hands work all day - whether you're at the computer or a handyman. From time to time they may feel stiff or cold. This small tool unfolds its great effect by simply rolling it up and down your fingers. It releases blockages, pain and tension and promotes blood circulation in your fingers. With its handy size, you can even carry it around in your pocket. 

The Shakti Acupressure Footmat -black

Tired feet are not uncommon among people who have to stand or walk around a lot in their job. But even lying under the desk, the use of the doormat is absolutely useful. It gives you the refreshing and invigorating feeling of a foot massage and helps you to relax pleasantly. When folded, the mat is smaller than a laptop and can be transported in a space-saving way - with its 2,640 plastic tips, this mobile massage always fits perfectly in your luggage for your next business trip. 


  • https://www.stiftung-gesundheitswissen.de/presse/immer-mehr-menschen-mit-chronischen-erkrankungen-ueber-jahrzehnte-beeintraechtigt (Abruf, 05.05.2022)
  • New Narratives. The magazine for new work. Issue #12, We are all sick!
  • https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare-systems-and-services/our-insights/innovating-employee-health-time-to-break-the-mold (Abruf, 05.05.2022)
  • Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet. 2014 
  • https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/themen/gesundheit/belastung-des-menschen-ermitteln/deutsche-umweltstudie-zur-gesundheit-geres (Abruf, 05.05.2022)
  • https://www.mhfa-ersthelfer.de/de/ (Abruf, 05.05.2022)