Impressions from India.
Iconic Shakti icon for divine feminine energy.

Our Company

Iconic Shakti icon as a symbol of the combination of ancient Indian wisdom and modern lifestyle.
What makes us different

Hey there! We’re Shakti, a small but mighty social-impact company, born and raised in the vibrant Berlin start-up scene. Just like our home city, we deeply care about diversity, inclusion and living our values.

Who we are

We march to the beat of our own drum and embrace those ‘new-work’ vibes:

Work from anywhere. We went fully remote way before it was cool (6 months pre-pandemic!). Trailblazing? Nah, just following our hearts.

Group picture of the entire Shakti team.

Love your side-hustle. Most of our team rocks a 32-hour work week so they can chase their passion-projects outside of Shakti. You do you.

A colleague takes photos of our employees in India.

Flexibility is our middle name. We work when we want, how we want. Because… life.

Grow with us. We offer paid volunteering time and invest in our team’s professional and personal growth - both in and out of the Shakti universe.

Our team shooting archery together.

Cycle celebration. Our menstruating team members get an extra self-care day off each month. It's 2024. Period.

Co-founder Glynn from Shakti Mat is delighted with a delivery from India. Our two co-founders Stephanos and Glynn on their travels. Our two co-founders Stephanos and Glynn. Our co-founder Glynn visiting a school supported by Shakti. Our two co-founders Stephanos and Glynn doing yoga. Our two co-founders on the road. Our two co-founders Stephanos and Glynn with their Shakti Mats in their hands.

Where we come from

In 2012, our bold founders hung up their London careers. And set off with just a rucksack. Their mission? To discover alternative lifestyles. They lived in India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and the USA. What began as a gap year turned into a 5-year nomadic life. In alternative communities, Buddhist monasteries and permaculture farms.
Holistic arts, yoga, meditation - they took what they could with them. Always in search of their heart's project. And then came the Shakti Mat. Love at first sight. The rest? History.
Today, Shakti is a community of hundreds of thousands of mat lovers in Germany, France, Spain, Austria and Portugal. Almost like a cult, only cooler and with fewer frocks.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

The story of the Shakti Mat

Launched way back in 2007, the Shakti Mat was the very first domestic acupressure mat on the mass-market. Sure, there have been copy-cats since, but Shakti is and always will be the real deal.

It all started with Om Mokshanada, a 21-year-old Swedish massage therapist who traded his day job to ordain as a monk in the Himalayas. As he studied the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing, he fell in love with the traditional Indian bed of nails. And boom, the Shakti Mat was born!

When Om and his mother Nadine launched the mat in Sweden in 2007, it flew off the shelves - over 1 million sold! The world couldn't get enough of this self-care sensation and Shakti went global.

Fun fact: ‘Shakti’ is the ancient Sanskrit word for the divine feminine force - think compassion, creativity and nurturing vibes. We like to believe that all that hand-crafted love woven into every mat travels from India and into your hands.

Our colleague Vinita Devi proudly shows the Shakti Mat she made. Auntie Amma Ji, the manager of the Gratitude Factory, leads a traditional Indian prayer ritual. Our colleagues at the entrance gate to the Gratitude Factory in Varanasi. The colleagues in India cycle to work through a rural area. Our colleagues in Varanasi, India, wave happily at the camera.
A woman is about to lie down on her Shakti Mat. A couple relaxes with music, a book and the Shakti acupressure mat. A woman begins her Shakti session on the balcony in the semi-shade. Two laughing friends talk about their experiences with the Shakti Mat. Several people enjoy the soothing effect of the Shakti Mat with their eyes closed.

what drives us

Let's be real - the world is a wild ride right now. And the wellbeing of the world starts at home, with us. Those ancient Indian Ayurvedic arts are full of wisdoms and wellness hacks that are game-changers for our modern Western lives. Our mission? To get them into your hands and empower your self-care.

We craft the finest acupressure goods around. Straight from the source in India, the birthplace of acupressure. But we don't stop there - we pay it forward by supporting our craft communities in many innovative and meaningful ways. Because creating award-winning wellbeing products is one thing, but lifting up the people who make them? That's Shakti.