Wrist pain

Finally relieve pain with these methods

Relieve wrist pain

Pain is never pleasant, but especially wrist pain can interfere with every movement in everyday life. After all, you use your hands and therefore your wrists in almost every activity: from needs such as eating and drinking to tasks such as driving, writing or doing your job. For this reason, ignoring severe wrist pain is not so easy! And of course you should get to the bottom of the cause and relieve the pain quickly. Here you can find out everything you need to know about your mild or stabbing pain in your wrist and how you can get rid of it in no time at all - or rather, not in no time at all, because it hurts!

Understanding wrist pain: When and where exactly do they occur?

In order to diagnose and identify the cause of your wrist pain, it is important for experts to first localize the pain. Is the pain on the inside of your wrist? Or does the wrist pain occur on the outside? Of course, it is also important to distinguish whether both wrists hurt, or whether you only have pain in your left wrist or only feel pain in your right wrist. But it is also advantageous for you if you localize the wrist pain precisely. This will also help you later if you want to try out a few self-treatment methods. You will also know which movements to avoid in everyday life. Finding out when the wrist pain becomes noticeable is also an important aspect of the diagnosis. Do you tend to have sudden pain in your wrist or do you notice the pain in your wrist when supporting yourself and turning? Or maybe you have the pain for the first time after a sporting activity? noticed?

In order to find a solution and relief for the pain in the wrist on the thumb side or for the outside, you must therefore determine when and where the pain occurs. However, once you have found this out, you can get a little closer to your diagnosis yourself. At least you have an idea of what to avoid in the future and how to get rid of the pain. If the pain is too severe, persistent or sudden, you should of course consult a doctor.

Symptoms of painful wrists

We have already established that the location of the pain and the question of "when" are important for the further course of action in treating your pain. But also the type of pain or the character of the pain can also be different. For example, wrist pain can be sharp, burning, pulsating, pulling, pressing, dull, but also constricting. It is also important that you examine your arm for other symptoms. These can include

  • Stiffness

  • Swellings

  • Redness

  • Crackle

  • Crunch

  • Numbness

  • Tingling

  • Weakness

  • Deformations

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Wrist pain - causes: Pain can occur for these reasons

A variety of causes can cause you to experience wrist pain. On the one hand, the pain can occur due to an injury. On the other hand, it can also be the result of an illness. In addition, too much strain is sometimes the reason for your complaints. We will go into this in more detail later, as such overloads in the sports area can also have several causes.

The following are reasons for wrist pain:

  • Sprains and similar: Pain in the wrist when turning or leaning can occur due to a sprain. Also fractures and ligament injuries are also possible triggers.

  • ArthritisAutoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis can also cause your wrists to hurt. This is because the disease causes inflammation in the joints. Osteoarthritis causes wear and tear in the joints, which you can also notice in your wrists.

  • GoutAnother possible disease is gout. Strictly speaking, it is also part of arthritis and can cause sudden pain in the wrist and thumb or other joints.

  • Tendon sheath inflammationAs the name suggests, the tendon sheaths are inflamed in this disease. It hurts in the wrist, for example, but can also occur in the hands or feet.

  • Ganglion cystsCysts can form near joints and are filled with fluid. They cause pain and in some cases can also be felt as a bump in the affected area.

  • Carpal tunnel syndromeIf the median nerve is pinched, this is known as carpal tunnel syndrome, which can manifest itself as wrist pain. However, tingling or numbness can also occur. The syndrome can occur during movements such as typing or other manual work.

  • Nerve damage or injury: Diabetes or peripheral neuropathy can be triggers of nerve damage. Injuries can also sometimes affect the nerves.

This is only a small list of the possible causes of wrist pain that occurs on both sides or only on the inner or outer side. If you experience persistent or recurring pain in your wrist, a visit to the doctor is urgently needed to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Wrist pain under load

If you are very active in sports, you may put too much strain on your wrists, depending on the type of sport. Do you notice the wrist pain after sportbut have not suffered a sudden injury, then you may have simply overdone it. Wrist pain after strength training, for example, is not uncommon. If you use too much weight for some exercises and equipment, the overload can lead to subsequent pain. However, insufficient warm-up or stretching during sport can also lead to wrist pain later on. Incorrect or perhaps even a lack of technique can also lead to such pain. Especially with repetitive movements, such as tennis- or golf, this can affect your wrist. Have you perhaps not given your body enough time to regenerate? Then you can also expect your body to react with pain. Recovery is very important, so it's better to take a longer break next time. In the worst case scenario, wrist pain can become chronic.

The diagnosis: this is how the cause of your complaints can be determined

If you undergo a medical examination, the cause of your wrist pain on the little finger side or the thumb side can be determined. Various methods are used for this, such as an initial physical examination and a a detailed medical history. In this, you must communicate all the details of your complaints so that the doctor can get a good overview. Other methods such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT), laboratory tests such as blood and laboratory tests and nerve conduction velocity tests are used for diagnosis if necessary.

Treating your wrist pain: what helps?

Depending on the cause or severity of the pain, various methods of treatment can be used. If you are under a doctor's care, treatments such as physiotherapy, injections and painkillers can be used. You may also be given bandages or wrist supports. In severe cases, surgery may also be necessary, ranging from a minimally invasive arthroscopic procedure to a more complex reconstruction or joint replacement operation. If your wrist pain is not acute or abnormal, you can also use self-treatment methods to quickly improve your well-being and relieve your pain. We would like to briefly introduce you to the suitable methods below.

Improve wrist pain with exercises

There are some exercises for wrist pain that you can easily do at home. Please be careful and see how well you can do each exercise first. After all, the pain should improve and not get worse. One possible exercise for you is Wrist flexion and extension.

Hold your arm straight out in front of you and point your palm down. With the other hand, try to bend the palm upward. Your fingers should be pointing up toward the ceiling. Feel the stretch for a few seconds and now perform the movement in the exact opposite direction. Your fingers should be pointing towards the floor. Stay in this position for a few moments.

Other options to loosen up your wrists and relieve the pain include wrist rotations and the hand opening. For wrist rotations, stretch your arm forward and clench your hand into a fist. Now carefully rotate your wrist clockwise and then counterclockwise. To open your hand, also make a fist and then open your hand until all fingers are extended. They should also be wide apart. Hold this position for a few seconds until you close your hand into a fist again. Always make sure that the exercises feel good and not painful!

For more stability: wrist taping for pain

You can tape your wrist in case of pain to stabilize it. stabilize and support it. Depending on how you tape your joint, you can even prevent painful movements. Another advantage of this is that you can also avoid overstraining and with kinesiology tape you can promote blood circulation and therefore healing. You can also apply the tape if you want to support your joint after an injury has healed. The stabilization prevents further injuries.

Gentle acupressure for wrist pain with an acupressure mat

Acupressure with an acupressure mat is a gentle technique for greater well-being and relaxation. The mat with the pointed nubs can stimulate your blood circulation so that your wrist pain can also feel better. Relax for around 20 to 30 minutes on the acupressure mat from ShaktiMat for a soothing experience - and not just in your wrist, but also in other parts of your body such as your upper and lower back that were on the mat. Also an acupressure cushion can also provide more relaxation.

Wrist pain: home remedies for quick treatment

Have you tried simple household remedies? Sometimes a little goes a long way! For inflammation and swelling in the wrist area, you can simply cool it down and for strained wrists, heat treatment with a warm cloth or a electric blanket can help. You probably don't want to hear it, but sometimes it is simply necessary to rest your wrist to relieve the pain. For example, if you have pain in your wrist when supporting yourselfthen you should avoid this movement for the time being. If the pain occurs with other movements, try not to perform them in everyday life. This sounds banal, but it's not that easy to put into practice. Maybe you just have the opportunity to spend a day on the couch and move as little as possible. That sometimes works wonders!

Here's how you can prevent sore wrists

Of course, you cannot avoid wrist pain in every case. Sometimes injuries happen, even if they are not under your full control. However, there are a few tricks you can use to avoid wrist pain in many situations. For example, a balanced diet can help you reduce the risk of pain. In the workplace, there are some tools that can help you maintain a healthy posture. From ergonomic chair and mouse to a height-adjustable deskThis will prevent you from developing pain in your wrists and back. Taking a break every hour also ensures a healthy general condition. There are often ways to protect yourself from injury during sport. A good warm-up program, sufficient time for regeneration or suitable equipment, for example, is worth a lot!

Conclusion: Self-treatment of your wrist pain will quickly make your everyday life easier

You can't and shouldn't treat every wrist pain yourself. For the less severe cases of wrist pain, however, there are numerous methods that you can use effectively. Just try what works for you: from heat or cold treatments to the ShaktiMat acupressure mat!