Tennis elbow - what is it anyway?

Tennis elbow - what is it anyway?

Almost everyone has heard of it: tennis elbow. tennis elbow. But what does this term actually mean? First and foremost, it's about the forearms.

Our forearms take on more tasks in everyday life than you might think at first glance. They are directly involved in every movement of the hands. If tennis elbow occurs as part of this daily movement, it is often caused by overstimulation of the muscles. But what exactly is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is an overuse of the extensor muscles of the forearm. Where exactly does tennis elbow cause pain? Overloading causes pain at the tendon insertions in the elbow area. Doctors also call this "insertional tendopathy".

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Causes: What causes tennis elbow?

In most cases, the cause of tennis elbow is overuse of the forearm musclesmore specifically the "elbow muscles". Those affected often have problems fully extending their elbow or can only do so with pain. Put simply, the muscle is so tense that it is always pulling and tugging on the bone. In this case, it is only logical that pain will develop in the long term. In this case, we are talking about the muscles that run along the side of the little finger. In the case of tennis elbow, pain occurs on precisely this side. Especially during movements that provoke it, such as stretching the wrist. You can perform this movement yourself: Your wrist is stretched upwards, your fingers are pointing towards the ceiling and you carefully feel the muscles on the side of your elbow. You will feel how strong they are. This movement causes pain in tennis elbow, and a certain amount of tenderness is also possible. This is absolutely logical if you think about how much strain the affected muscle is under.

Do only athletes get tennis elbow?

The term is somewhat misleading in this case, as it is not only athletes or tennis players who can suffer from tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is caused by a combination of an unfavorable grip posture and hitting technique. overuse of the extensor muscles of the forearm. This in turn leads to pain in the elbow.

But where does the special name come from? The extensor muscles have their muscle insertion on the outside of the elbow. These muscles are particularly used by tennis players. Due to this fact, the name tennis elbow has become established.

Even without tennis: pain in the elbow

Now you might ask yourself: Okay, the extensor muscles of the forearm - when am I supposed to overexert them?Even if you've never held a tennis racket in your hands, you can still suffer from tennis elbow. This is because tennis elbow can be caused by working constantly at a desk or doing a lot of handwriting. Basically, the symptoms can be caused by many different activities, with monotonous movements contributing in particular. Here are a few examples:

  • Too Intensive, one-sided strain can lead to tennis elbow, for example when using a computer mouse, playing the violin, hammering - but also when doing household chores such as ironing.
  • In principle, a weak forearm muscles can contribute can contribute to the symptoms of tennis elbow.
  • Even older people with decreasing tendon elasticity can also be affected.
  • Another risk for the painful symptoms can be previous injuries in the forearm or elbow area.

In principle, it is always useful to consider the human organism as a unit. Various factors can lead to the development of tennis elbow. The body is a constantly changing organism that is exposed to various factors in everyday life. Perhaps you can already reflect a little on how your tennis elbow developed.

In most cases, the symptoms of tennis elbow are an overstimulation of the extensor muscles of the forearm. This overstressing of the muscles leads to severe pain at the base of the muscle. Possible consequences of this can also be restricted movement or swelling. Doesn't sound good at all, does it?

Treating tennis elbow on your own - help for self-healing

In your own private environment, you have certainly come across someone who has had tennis elbow. This clinical picture is something that can be treated perfectly by being mindful of yourself and the daily activities you perform. In principle, however, it is always advisable to consult a doctor. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, there are several ways to alleviate the symptoms. 

First of all: This is an inflammatory process, so it makes sense to dial down the stress and listen to yourself and your body.

Pain can always be seen as a gift, even if it sounds strange at first. Your body communicates with you and thus gives you the sign to refrain from this particular strain. 

Easier said than done. Now some people will ask themselves: I just work in an office, I have to write a lot or generally work with my hands - how am I supposed to refrain from doing that? Fortunately, tennis elbow is an acute condition that does not have to become chronic and therefore long-term. So you can quickly counteract it with the right remedies.

Your muscles are in the foreground

Muscles are overused if they are not accustomed to the load to which they are exposed. It's as simple as that, and current studies also support this statement. Back pain is also often only combated effectively in the long term when the back muscles are strengthened so that they can literally carry the loads of daily life! 

So if you are affected by tennis elbow, you can muscle training into your everyday life so that you don't have to deal with the issue again in the long term. Eccentric training of the extensor muscles is said to be particularly helpful. What does that mean? Eccentric means "work in a yielding manner". In practical terms: if you place your forearm on a surface and actively stretch your wrist upwards, your forearm muscles tense up. In this case, you have performed a concentric movement. To work eccentrically, you slowly move your wrist in the other direction. Without additional weight, this movement doesn't really seem difficult, but if you start slowly, using small water bottles or dumbbells, you will quickly notice the difference.

Fight tennis elbow with acupressure - our Yantra mats are a practical aid

A further positive effect can be achieved by increase in blood circulation can be recorded. When blood circulation is increased, the area is automatically warmed up. This stimulates metabolic processes and relieves tension. So grab your ShaktiMat Yantra mat and use it as practical support to relieve the symptoms of tennis elbow. You can decide for yourself how much pressure you want to exert and how long you want your muscles to remain on the small spikes. In combination with breathing exercises, you can give your body and mind a little break. When practiced over the long term, these options will help you to combat painful tennis elbow. You can decide for yourself how much pressure and intensity you want to apply to your muscles. The small spikes improve your blood circulation and the transportation of nutrients.

How to: Use acupressure perfectly for yourself

Place your acupressure mat or acupressure acupressure cushion on the floor. Then place your forearms on the mat with your palms facing downwards. This allows the fine points to touch your forearm muscles wonderfully. When you are ready, turn your palms upwards. If you are sensitive to pressure, you should put on a long-sleeved shirt beforehand or place a thin towel on the mat. Take a look at everything in our application examples for the acupressure mat . After the exercise, your hands and arms will feel pleasantly light at best. And the best thing is: you can also do this exercise during a short break in the office - just make yourself comfortable on the acupressure mat!

We are human beings - body, soul and spirit. Even these three pillars are often difficult to reconcile with each other, because each has its own individual significance. It is therefore all the more important not to separate the areas of the body in particular. Your body is a unit and everything interlocks. With the help of a Yantra mat you can not only treat the discomfort caused by tennis elbow. You can also work on your back with the small tips. Together with the right breathing exercises and a little meditation you are on the best way to improve your discomfort on your own. It is perfect if you can integrate such small routines into your normal everyday life to let more self-care into your life this way. 

Practical help for tennis elbow: relieve the symptoms with stretching exercises & Yantra mat

Suffering from sore tennis elbow - what should you do? In addition to our tips already mentioned, it is always advisable to do various stretching exercises exercises. Gentle stretching of the muscles relieves the tendon insertion.

Many people who have already struggled with tennis elbow have been able to significantly improve the discomfort with the help of the right stretching exercises in combination with behavioral adjustments. Together with our Yantra mat an incredibly good combination for the treatment of tennis elbow! The combination of the different methods can lead to an improvement in tennis elbow symptoms.

Particularly during activities in the office, as a pupil or student, sitting is a priority. These activities of daily life often promote back pain. The cervical spine and thoracic spine are often so stressed that pain can also occur here. The spine, shoulder joint, elbow joint and wrist are a functional unit. It is therefore only conclusive that pain on the outside of the elbow not only has its cause there, but can also be found in the ascending chain up to the spine. 

It is therefore particularly important for you not only to treat the direct manifestation of your complaints, but also to consider other aspects of your healing. A Yantra mat can be used in a variety of ways, for example for Pain in the back region. Here too, you can decide for yourself how much pressure you want to apply and how long you want to use the mat. You can listen to yourself and your body to find the perfect amount.

Tennis elbow complaints are nerve-racking and can sometimes be very painful. We use our arms, and more specifically our hands, simply all the time, every day. However, from nerve-wracking topics like tennis elbow causes to "tennis elbow - what helps?" such complaints can also be the starting point for a life with more mindfulness towards oneself and one's body. A life that pays more attention to what is good for oneself and what the physical limits are.

3 tennis elbow exercises that really help!

The discomfort can already be greatly improved by performing stretching exercises and the best thing is that you can do them anytime and anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're taking a break at the office or waiting for the bus. We've put together a few effective exercises for you:

Stretching of the flexor muscles for in between

There are two different starting positions for the first stretch. Start by standing upright and stretching your affected arm straight out in front of you. Your palm should be facing upwards. With your other hand, carefully pull your fingertips towards the floor. Your elbow is now fully extended and you will feel a clear pull in the elbow area. Hold this stretch for a few seconds. Listen to yourself and how your body feels: How much is good for me? How much can I take? Am I already reaching the pain threshold or can I hold out a little longer? If you can manage 20-30 seconds, that's ideal. You will notice that your pain will improve noticeably as a result of this stretching exercise. To prevent further tennis elbow pain, you can always stretch the unaffected side as well. If your symptoms have improved or possibly disappeared completely, it still makes sense to incorporate this stretch into your daily routine. Not only does it have a preventative effect, it also feels really good. You can also do this exercise leaning against a wall, which makes it even more intense as you can't cheat. This stretching exercise is for the flexor muscles of the forearm.

Stretch your extensor muscles with this exercise

For the second exercise you proceed identically. The small but subtle difference, however, relates to the position of the hand. Your arm is again extended parallel to the floor, but your palm is facing the floor. Now use your other hand again to pull your wrist in your direction. If you are doing the stretch correctly, you are now looking into your palm. This exercise stretches the extensor muscles of your forearm. Since our muscles always have an antagonist and an agonist, that is, a player and an opponent, both must be considered. Therefore, it is important to perform both stretching exercises.

Work your fascia!

With the help of a fascia ball, a fascia roller or a tennis ball, you can gently work on the fascia of your forearm. To do this, apply light pressure with your arm in combination with small circular movements to the painful areas. You can always do this exercise in between at the office without any problems.

Tennis elbow taping or tennis elbow bandage - which is right for me?

If the classic exercises for treating your tennis elbow are still not enough, it is possible to put on a bandage for the outside of the elbow to treat your tennis elbow. Putting on the bandage for tennis elbow correctly is not so easy for everyone, especially if you have never had anything to do with this subject before. However, it is not difficult at all and can lead to an improvement in tennis elbow symptoms. Especially when other options for treatment have not been effective, many people like to resort to a tennis elbow bandage. 

With the help of a bandage, it is possible to relieve the affected elbow region without restricting mobility. This is because flexion and extension are still possible without any problems, but without continuing to stress the overstimulated elbow region. 

A bandage is not right for you? Then it is possible to use a tape for his tennis elbow. So-called kinesiology tape positively affects blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the area to be treated. But: It has to be applied by an experienced physiotherapist! The advantage is that the application of a tape takes only a few minutes and there is usually immediate relief of pain. It interferes with normal daily life even less than a bandage. The disadvantage of a tape, however, is that it usually lasts only days to a maximum of a week until it detaches itself from the skin.

In principle, it is better to become active sooner rather than later. Because when tennis elbow becomes chronic, it is increasingly difficult to treat. Therefore, rely on your feeling for your body and work proactively against it. And: If you have intense symptoms, go to the doctor.

How long do I have to immobilize tennis elbow?

How long tennis elbow should be immobilized, which exercises are best, or whether to resort to a bandage or tape after all, are all highly individual decisions that are strongly linked to the respective complaints and their intensity. Many different options can lead to an improvement in pain and limitation of movement. It is now up to you to find out for yourself which ones are particularly good for your body.