Acupressure on the go - here's how it can work

acupressure on the road

Does acupressure make you feel more relaxed too? We appreciate the benefits of acupressure on the body and well-being as much as you do. With our acupressure mat, you can feel and use the effects of acupressure for yourself at any time. Or? Well - on the subway or in the office, it can sometimes be difficult to put your own ShaktiMat on the floor. So what to do? There are several options for acupressure on the go. Which one is best for you depends entirely on your environment and needs. 

Here we present a few options and practical equipment that you can use for acupressure on the road. Because let's face it: a deep breath, a moment of relaxation and a little self-care - that's always good.


  • How does acupressure work (on the go)?
  • Acupressure at home - the mat can be your daily companion
  • Acupressure on the go: treat individual acupressure points
  • The simplest variant for acupressure on the go: the Keyring
  • Acupressure on the go made easy - with ShaktiMat

How does acupressure work (on the go)?

Before we get into on-the-go methods, let's briefly start with the basics if you're still a newbie:

Acupressure finds its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It assumes that many meridians run through the body - from the crown of the head to the toes. The meridians are considered energy pathways through which your energy can flow freely. However, if these pathways are blocked, pain or illness can result. 

During acupressure with the mat, the many small tips press against different acupressure points of the body. This pressure stimulates blood circulation and the blockages just mentioned can be released. This can have many positive effects, for example:

  • Pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Relieve muscle tension
  • faster regeneration after sports

In addition, acupressure can reduce stress, help with anxiety and simply be relaxing. No wonder that for many people the traditional method is more modern than ever.

Acupressure at home - the mat can be your daily companion

Acupressure can have many positive effects for you both physically and psychologically. And the best way to take advantage of them is with an acupressure mat. The large surface allows you to lie on it with your back and target many acupressure points at the same time. The pressure on the body provides gentle relaxation and can release blockages. So for at home, the mat is your daily companion. But what about on the road? Whether traveling, during a short break at work, on the train or anywhere else - sometimes acupressure just does you good. But unpacking the mat here ... that probably remains a pipe dream. Nevertheless, there are some ways you can use acupressure on the road.

The easiest option: just take the mat with you!

Sure, that's easy to say. And especially in the office or on the train is simply not possible. But if you are traveling for you, you can also take the acupressure mat in a practical bag. It has a low weight and does not take much space in the trunk when rolled up. In the hotel room or in the vacation apartment you can simply unroll the mat as always and relax with acupressure on the road.

The little siblings: acupressure pillow & headband

Another option for acupressure on the go are the smaller versions of the acupressure mat:

  • The acupressure pillow is smaller than the mat and nice and handy. Due to its special shape, you cannot treat large areas with it, and it is also difficult to lie on it. However, if you want to treat your neck, head or individual muscle areas, e.g. on the legs, with gentle pressure, this also works with the pillow. 
  • The acupressure headband is a mini version of the mat. The elongated band is equipped with many small tips and is tied around the head. There it can, among other things, relieve tension headaches, generally contribute to relaxation or also promote concentration. Instead of around the forehead, you can of course also put the band around the wrist or lie on it with your shoulder.

These two alternatives can make acupressure possible on the road - but only to a limited extent. Because of course: Even on the train or in the office, you can't necessarily lie down on a pillow or tie a headband around yourself. For the travel bag, these two are well suited, but for acupressure on the way to an appointment, to the office or similar, you need another option.

Acupressure on the go: treat individual acupressure points

With the mat, you usually treat the acupressure points on the back over a large area. But there is another way: If you want to free the meridians or energy pathways of your body from blockages, you can also do this by working on individual points on the energy pathways. You can gently massage the points with your fingertips, thumbs or elbows and thus have acupressure on the go, so to speak. Of course, you need to know the corresponding acupressure points on the meridians. Once you have this knowledge, you can use it for yourself. If the pressure with your fingers on the acupressure point is not enough, tools like an acupressure pen, massage sticks and co. can be helpful. When using them, however, it is important that you hit the points exactly, you need at best a little prior knowledge for the application, so that you do not do anything wrong.

acupressure mat case

The simplest variant for acupressure on the go: the Keyring

A mini acupressure mat for on the go, that would be super. Simply always at hand, pressed on the desired acupressure point or area and the initial tingling on the skin quickly becomes a pleasant relaxation. Sounds almost too good to be true - right? We think so: No. That's why we've made just that possible for you: we've taken our tips from the acupressure mat and made them into the shape of a keychain, so you can use acupressure on the go.

The Keyring fits perfectly in your trouser pocket together with your keys. It's always ready to hand - whether you're on the train, on the plane or in the office. Take a little time out and calm your mind and muscles. If you know the most important acupressure points for you, you can treat them at any time with the Keyring . You can find a list of many points all over the body in our acupressure alphabet. The individual acupressure points can be treated with the pendant for between 3 and 5 minutes, even several times a day. Alternatively, we explain a few of the points below.

And what is the benefit of acupressure on the go?

Especially with a tool like the practical Keyring , you can easily do acupressure on the go - without having to lie down on a mat or anything similar. Everyday life is becoming increasingly hectic. We often go from one appointment to the next or simply have a lot on our plate with the kids and other private matters. This kind of stress can affect both the mind and the body. With acupressure on the go, you can give yourself a little break - instead of coffee in the office kitchen, you can use Keyring to really relax and take a deep breath. You can treat muscular tension on the go, improve blood circulation at the acupressure points and, above all, positively influence your stress levels. Depending on the acupressure point, it is also possible to counteract tiredness and increase your concentration by taking a short break from work.

Acupressure with the ShaktiMat Keyring - the most important acupressure points for you

Acupressure is easy with a mat with lots of point plates. Thanks to the large-area treatment, many points are targeted. With the Keyring for acupressure on the go, things look a little different: It allows you to treat individual, specific acupressure points on the go and do yourself some good. To help you get started quickly, we have put together some of the most important points for you:

Gates of Consciousness

You can treat this acupressure point with the Keyring for head and neck pain, a stiff neck, dizziness and similar complaints. It is located on the gallbladder meridian and lies at the transition from the spine to the skull, between the vertebrae and the ear at the hairline. Use your fingers to feel up the upper part of the side of your spine until you reach a small indentation on the skull bone. Place the Keyring there for acupressure on the way and press it on the point. You can also make small, circular movements.

Tai Yang

If you often sit in front of a computer screen for long periods of time, you are probably familiar with the typical dry, tired eyes. In such cases, you can use the Tai Yang point to relax. It helps to cool and clear the eyes and also relieves tiredness. You will find the point next to your eyebrows at the temples towards the hairline. Here too, you can work on the acupressure point with the Keyring either with pressure or circular movements.

Heaven Pass / Baihui

This point is located on the Governing Vessel, which according to Traditional Chinese Medicine is the source of all Yang meridians. All the head meridians meet at this point, which is why it is particularly targeted for a boost of energy and clarity. The point is located on the highest point of the head at the top of the skull. You can feel it by sliding your fingers from the outer edges of the ears up to the middle of the head. Perform your acupressure there with the Keyring .

LG 18 on the handlebar vessel

If your head is smoking after a tiring meeting, you have a headache or you are nervous, acupressure on the go can calm your mind and system by targeting this point. The point is also located on the handlebar vessel, but slightly below on the back of your head. To palpate it, place your fingers above your ears and now glide at this level to the middle of the back of your head. This is where LG 18 is located.

Acupressure against tension in the arm

Anyone who writes a lot of e-mails is bound to be familiar with them: Tension in the arm. With acupressure at this point, you can promote blood flow in the arm and thus relieve tension at best. To feel the point, bend the arm slightly. The acupressure point is now located on the outside, about two finger widths from the crook of the elbow.

It is best to always hold the acupressure points for at least 3-5 minutes on the way. If you wish, you can work with alternating pressure, i.e. apply a lot of pressure for the first 30 seconds or so and then less. For each point, you can either use static pressure with the Keyring or make circular movements - depending on what feels better for you at the time. 

RSI syndrome & acupressure - your relief at the desk

Maybe you know it too: You make one-sided movement patterns in your job day after day. Whether it's manual labor or working at a desk - such one-sided movements can cause physical problems that manifest themselves in the form of pain. The RSI syndrome has its origin exactly there: Also called secretary's disease or Nintendo thumb, the Repetitive Strain Injury Syndrome disease is increasingly mentioned in Germany - while it is already recognized as an occupational disease in the USA. But what is behind it?

This syndrome is caused by the one-sided strain of repetitive movements, such as operating the computer mouse. However, sports activities can also trigger the pain. RSI syndrome has not yet been fully worked out, but it is believed that the cause lies in many overuse injuries - microscopic breaks in the tendons. They are manifested by symptoms such as pain in the elbow, stiffness, numbness or tingling in the fingers and hands, sometimes a feeling of cold in the forearm. It can also be accompanied by headaches and neck pain. 

Acupressure on the go for RSI syndrome

If you suffer from wrist or arm pain or RSI syndrome, acupressure is the best way to get some relief. You can find the right point for this on your wrist: stretch out your arm and bend your hand towards you. The acupressure point is now two finger widths below the wrist between the ulna and radius. You can now treat the point specifically with the acupressureKeyring .

acupressure keychain

Acupressure on the go made easy - with ShaktiMat

Acupressure can have many positive effects. Of course, we can't make any promises - so just try it out for yourself. If you have already made friends with our mat, the Keyring for acupressure on the go will be a fabulous addition to your everyday life. The small tool simply disappears into your pocket or backpack with your key. And whenever you need it, you can unfold the pendant and place the tip plate on the acupressure point of your choice. This can be done inconspicuously in the office, on the way to work or wherever you happen to be at the time. The Keyring is the easiest method for acupressure on the go.