Acupressure for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Acupressure for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
In this article, we will show you how acupressure with the ShaktiMat can be helpful for chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.
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In this article we will show you how acupressure with the ShaktiMat can help with inflammatory bowel disease. If you are not affected, you may be asking yourself: What is this anyway? 

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) differs from other bowel problems in that it is permanently present in the body and most often causes episodic symptoms; it is also not contagious. 

Strong medications are often used to treat IBD in order to suppress the symptoms of the disease, but it is not uncommon for sufferers to wish for different or additional ways to cope with their situation. People who go through life with the challenge of inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis) are often particularly vulnerable to physical and emotional stress. This is exactly where the acupressure mat comes in.

Who better to test our ShaktiMat acupressure mat than someone who not only knows about chronic inflammatory bowel disease from his own experience, but has also set himself the mission of helping other sufferers? That's exactly why we've enlisted the help of YouTuber Denny Kircheis for this article.

In his video he shows how he uses the ShaktiMat and also trains your laughing muscles - because that's what it's all about for people with IBD: letting go of too much stress. But now we'll let Denny have his say:

Acupressure for Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases

In acupressure, pressure is applied to stimulate specific areas of the body. The pressure results in increased blood flow to the affected area of the body. Increased blood flow in turn ensures better supply and relaxation of the surrounding tissues and can stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid in the body, which in turn is essential for the removal of bacteria, dead cells and metabolic waste products. It is precisely this principle of pressure that the acupressure mat takes advantage of and can help the body of people with IBD to relax in many cases. The less tension in the body, the more the general well-being increases.

Denny's view is that it is helpful for the body that you use the mat - but how you do it is absolutely up to your own preferences. Each person living with inflammatory bowel disease has individual preferences as to what is helpful and does good. To help you try it out, we have compiled the most popular uses of the mat below.