Get to know our team!

ShaktiMat brings together a team of creative and curious people. Learn more about all of us here:

Finances Maryna


Accountant & Financial Analyst

Maryna not only keeps a sharp eye on our finances, but also applies her love for precision in the ring. As a passionate MMA fighter, she completes intensive training every day. She lives alternately in Ukraine and Berlin and is involved in various projects against environmental pollution. 

Community Service ShaktiMat


Customer Experience Specialist

Antonia is a real globetrotter and has already seen quite a few countries. She is a hopeless idealist, likes to eat fried eggs with peanut butter and (!) banana, and usually falls asleep during movies. Antonia's favorite animals, by the way, are fish (because they shine so beautifully, she always says).

Co-Founder ShaktiMat


Co-Founder & CEO

Glynn is the captain of our ShaktiShip. After 20 years he left the TV industry and traveled around the world for 4 years. Glynn has always had his own ideas. For example, he moved to the USA to perform as a trapeze artist in a traveling circus.   

Tina Influencer Manager


Influencer Manager

Tina is musically prepared for any situation with her playlists. She simply can't stand still as soon as good music is playing. With her positive, emphatic and humorous personality she takes care of our valuable collaborations and partnerships. She loves people and communication, but negative energies should please give her a wide berth.

CTO ShaktiMat


Supply Chain Manager

Nik not only attentively takes care of our supply chain, but also passionately looks after his three children. On the road, the family prefers to travel in their shared VW bus. When it's not about the kids, he enjoys soccer, cooking, traveling and concerts of these music genres: Punkrock, Indie and Alternative.

Finances ShaktiMat


Co-Founder & CFO

Stephanos keeps an eye on our finances. Born in Cyprus, he founded ShaktiMat after Glynn and he learned about it on an island far from Germany. As a kid, he aspired to a career as an artist; today, he's an electro DJ, among other things. 

Community Management ShaktiMat


Customer Experience Manager

Nora is a traveler at heart, always on the lookout for new adventures and experiences. She enjoys listening to the life stories of those around her. When she's not wandering through the forest or gazing at the sea, she can be found in the dance studio. She is particularly committed to human coexistence.

Supply Chain Management


E-Commerce and Digital Manager

As a passionate cook, Helena always keeps an eye on the many pots in our e-commerce company. At home, she has collected over 100 cookbooks and her absolute soul food is tortellini. She grows the chilies for the right spice in life on her balcony. But she doesn't only read recipes, she is also interested in sociological and biological topics.

Digital Marketing Manager ShaktiMat


Digital Marketing Manager

Karo sees the world in pictures. She can never have enough colors, pencils and sketchbooks. Ever since she was a child, she has had the solid sleep of a bear in winter. Her great empathy towards people, animals and nature makes her experience every moment intensely. As a child she wanted to become a marine biologist because whales and dolphins were her favorite animals.

How we work

In TeamShakti, some very specific values are writ large. These include, above all, honesty, openness and diversity. We firmly believe that a positive attitude towards life and an appreciative attitude towards each other and our customers will lead to the sustainable growth of this idea. We strive to keep all steps of our value chain transparent and to help people through the healing effects of acupressure.

Learn why we give menstruating employees time off during their period, how we still manage to feel connected without sharing an office, and what's important to us as a team at work.

Learn more

Glynn and Stephanos

Our two founders came across the ShaktiMat by chance during their 4-year trip around the world. Since that moment it was clear: This spiky acupressure mat should also conquer Germany. No sooner said than done. A short time later, the two established a company headquarters in Berlin and brought the ShaktiMat to Germany.

History ShaktiMat Germany
Indian baba
Genesis ShaktiMat

Our founders, Glynn and Stephanos, returned to Berlin from their world trip with only one backpack. It was full of memories from all over the world,
their worn out yoga mats and a handful of ShaktiMats.

After nearly 20 years of living a challenging, busy, fast-paced lifestyle, gentrification, lack of cohesion, and a challenging routine in London also began to disillusion them.

The two made the decision to quit their jobs, get rid of their possessions, and leave London on a one-way ticket to the unknown.
On December 12, 2012 (just a few days before the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world), they said goodbye to friends and family and spent the next 4.5 years on an adventure that took them through India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and the United States.

They lived in alternative communities, Buddhist monasteries and farms. They learned new skills and experienced both the joys and challenges of living in the wild while trying to build their own community. They helped build art for Burning Man and lived for three consecutive summers in a teeny-tiny campervan on the West Coast of the United States.

During that time, they met incredibly inspiring people who became friends, mentors, and even family. They helped them find their own vision for their life together.

ShaktiMat was something they encountered along the way. While living in Thailand and teaching yoga, NLP and mindfulness, they learned about the spiky mat through Jon and George - two kindred spirits and now close friends. They distribute the ShaktiMat in New Zealand and Australia.

While Glynn and Stephanos studied holistic arts, taught yoga and meditation, they had been searching for a new purpose for many years.
It was to represent their values and make a positive impact on people.

Glynn likes to say that right after his first try at ShaktiMat, it was clear to him that this was a unique and flashy product. They both loved the fact that the mat was able to increase well-being and relaxation. They were also excited that the mat was organically and fairly made. Most of all, though, they were taken with the fact that it supported a community of women in India.

A creative seed had been sown. With Berlin as their next destination on the map, they made it their home a short time later and used it as the corporate base for ShaktiMat Germany.

In less than 3 years, our team has grown from 2 to 10 employees, along with an active online community of more than 10,000 members who are now learning the benefits of the traditional method of acupressure.

It is exciting for Stephanos to be part of this community as well. Not only have they found a new home with Berlin, but their family has expanded to include many great people. This is exactly what makes all of us in ShaktiTeam happy to get up every morning and go to work. 

Community around ShaktiMat
ShaktiMat and the beginnings
Co-Founders ShaktiMat
Om Mokshanada

Om Mokshanada

Om Mokshanada and his mother Nadine launched the ShaktiMat in Sweden in 2007. While Om took care of the establishment of the Gratitude Factory in India, Nadine took care of the sales and the introduction to the Swedish market. They saw that the ShaktiMat led to more relaxation. Their desire was that people would make better choices for the world by feeling more at ease.

At the age of 21, the actual founder of the company, Om Mokshanada, left his home country of Sweden and his job as a massage therapist. He traveled to India, to the monks in the Himalayas. After studying the Ayurvedic art of healing there, he discovered his interest in the ancient Indian nail boards. And so the ShaktiMat was born.

When he and his mother Nadine launched the ShaktiMat on the Swedish market in 2007, over 1,000,000 copies were sold. Due to the great experience with the ShaktiMat, the company expanded to Australia, the UK, Spain, France, New Zealand, Mexico and a short time later, through us, to Germany, where it was officially launched in 2017. .

The word 'Shakti' comes from Sanskrit and stands for the feminine elemental force, which is characterized by compassion, creativity and a nurturing quality. Our hope is that everyone who comes into contact with a ShaktiMat will feel connected to this energy.

How we produce the ShaktiMats in India

Each ShaktiMat is painstakingly handcrafted in India and made by our female colleagues.
It was a conscious decision to have the ShaktiMats manufactured in a production facility where only women work. At the moment we employ about 80 women there.

It has always been important to us that the ShaktiMats are produced under fair conditions. That's why our female colleagues in Varanasi are paid fairly and receive many other benefits that are unfortunately not so common in India.

Since all these women are also part of our team, we traveled to Varanasi and asked them to tell us their very personal stories. You can read them here

Colleague from Gratitude Factory
Our ShaktiMat colleagues from India
Here is where the ShaktiMat is made

Our social and charitable projects

Social responsibility is one of our guiding principles, extending from production to sales and beyond. Social commitment is deeply rooted in our company DNA. Ever since ShaktiMat was founded in 2007, we have been paying attention to this every step of the way. The Gratitude Factory, the Shakti Rising Scholarship and the Shakti Medical Fund were born out of this motivation. In addition, together with the income of the international ShaktiMat team, we support many other projects, such as FEMNET, the Malala Fund or the GiveIndia Charity. You can read more about them here.

Here is where the ShaktiMat is made