Do you have pressure on your ears or pain behind your ear? Maybe you just feel a ringing in your ear? Tension in the ear or neck muscles can be the cause of your discomfort. But how can you get rid of it? It often helps to have the tension in your ear released. You can even do this at home using aids.
In this blog post, we explain the causes and symptoms of tension in the ear. You will also find tips and tricks for relieving tension in the ear.
1. how can tension in the ear develop? The causes of ear pain
2. tension in the ear: the symptoms
3. relieve tension in the ear: Treatments for ear pain and pressure
5. our tips for preventing ear problems
6. relieving tension in the ear - our conclusion
How can tension in the ear arise? The causes of ear pain
Tension in the ear can have various causes. Because often the cause is not at the site of the pain. Most of the time, it is actually the muscles that are to blame when the ears ache or buzz. They are triggered by tension in various parts of the body.
Here you will find an overview of the causes of complaints in the ear:
- Tension of the jaw muscles,
- in the hyoid muscles,
- in the neck muscles and
- Tension in the muscles of the head,
- in the connective tissue or fascia of the skin and subcutis.
- In addition, current and past illnesses such as middle ear infections can be causes.
The muscular tensions in turn also have different causes. It always depends on the individual person and the location of the tension. Tension in the area around your ear, for example, is triggered when you are under a lot of stress. Then your body is automatically more tense, which can affect the neck muscles and your ears. Emotional factors or emotional stress can also be triggers. Other causes are poor posture in the area of the head and neck. Dental surgery or orthodontic treatment can also affect your muscles. The tension can lead to pain behind the ear or cause ear pressure and ringing in the ears. In addition, there are also organic ear diseases that do not have to be present, but are still noticeable.
Tension in the ear: the symptoms
Just like the cause of tension and discomfort in and around the ears, the symptoms and extent of the pain can also vary. We would like to discuss the various symptoms of ear pain and their possible causes in more detail below. If you want to find out why you are experiencing discomfort in your ears, it helps to analyze the symptoms in more detail.
These symptoms can occur around the ears, among other places:
- Noise in the ear (unilateral or bilateral)
- Pressure on the ears
- Noise sensitivity
- Throbbing in the ear
- Hearing loss
- Beeping in ear
- Crackling in the ear
Release tension in the ear: Treatments for ear pain and pressure
You have now learned about the symptoms and causes of all types of ear tension and pain. Next, it is of course important to know the tools and tricks you can use to combat the symptoms and even prevent tension. In the following paragraphs, we would like to share our tips with you - for a better sense of well-being and a pain-free everyday life.
Release tension in the ear with acupressure
As most pain and discomfort in the ear area is due to tension, it is precisely this tension that can be treated to reduce discomfort. A simple way to relieve back and neck tension is to use an acupressure mat. Acupressure is a healing method that helps you to release blockages and tension, improve blood circulation in the body and strengthen your own energy flow. You can give yourself a soothing massage with this everyday tool, integrate it into your yoga and meditation flow or use it during fitness exercises. Many ShaktiMat customers report a reduction in tension after regular use of an acupressure mat. So if you have earaches that are probably caused by muscular tension, the acupressure mat from Shakti Mat can be a useful tool for a carefree everyday life.

Pressure on the ears - what to do? How to get rid of pressure on the ears
Pressure on the ears is also a common symptom, which manifests itself as a dull feeling or a foreign body sensation. Many sufferers describe it as if there is a piece of absorbent cotton in their ear. Pressure in the ear is not necessarily painful, but can be annoying and stressful in everyday life. However, depending on the cause of the pressure on the ears, it can be treated quickly. If it is pressure caused by flying in an airplane, for example, you can simply relieve the ear pressure. Chewing gum or generally moving your jaw muscles can help!
If you have been struggling with pressure on your ears for a long time, it may be a chronic feeling of pressure by now. However, this is difficult to treat. Mostly it stems from a tense muscle or tense connective tissue. In this case, a special therapy must be applied. For prevention you should always do loosening exercises.
If you have a dull feeling of pressure and can't relieve it without help, it may also be an earwax plug that the ear, nose and throat doctor can remove.
Treat pain behind the ear
Pain behind the ear is not pleasant. Where the pressure pain comes from cannot always be located directly, as there are a few triggers for this type of pain. Since the ears are connected by a nerve to many parts of your head and even neck, the trigger can be far away from your ears. However, in order to properly treat the pain, the cause must be explored.
Common causes of pain behind the ear include:
- Ear canal inflammation or otitis externa
- Mastoiditis
- Temporomandibular joint complaints or craniomandibular dysfunction
- Otitis media
- Occipital neuralgia
- Blocked ears
- And much more
To get rid of pain behind the ear, you first need to find out where the pain is coming from. In the case of a middle ear infection, it is usually sufficient to consult a doctor. They will prescribe an antibiotic, for example. Simple drops from the pharmacy can be the solution for blocked ears. For pain that indicates problems with your temporomandibular joint, there is no single remedy that will help immediately. In most cases, several treatment methods need to be combined. Problems with the temporomandibular joint often stem from tension and too much stress. Physiotherapy, stress management and muscle relaxants can therefore be helpful.
Stop noise in ear
You are affected by a noise in the ear? Noise can also be a symptom of tension. To get rid of the noise, it can help to release tension in your ear. Head noise caused by neck tension can be combated with relaxation and stretching exercises for your neck. Here, it is important that you do the exercises slowly and carefully so as not to aggravate the pain and cause.
However, it is also possible that it is no longer simple noise, but the noise is a symptom of tinnitus. In the next section, we will go into more detail about the diagnosis of tinnitus and how to treat tinnitus.
Release tension in the ear - tinnitus treatment and prevention.
Tinnitus can probably also be triggered by neck tension. For a successful tinnitus therapy, you should find out if you find your trigger points in the neck area. What does this mean? Check your neck for particularly painful points by applying pressure with your fingers. If your tinnitus has muscular causes, you will definitely find points here that hurt and extend into your head and ears. Especially the musculus splenius capitis and the musculus semispinalis capitis at your cervical spine can become tense if you put wrong pressure on them or assume a particularly bent forward posture. As a result, you may also experience nerve irritation, which causes the brain stem to make a sound that falls under the familiar term "tinnitus". However, you can combat the causes of tinnitus with exercise. For example, stretching your neck and chest muscles is helpful for this. Once the muscles are loose, you should strengthen them by doing strength exercises for your trunk. If you do this regularly, you can prevent tension and a recurrence of tinnitus.
This is how tinnitus usually manifests itself:
- Noise
- Flutter or buzz
- Like a hum or a buzz
- Frequently as a high-pitched beep or continuous beeps
- Sounds like an engine
Pulse in the ear due to neck tension: therapy options
You feel your pulse in your ear? This may also be tinnitus. Because hearing the pulse is also usually triggered due to neck tension or problems with the cervical spine. One way to get rid of the pulse in the ear is to gently treat the neck muscles and cervical spine. If you get rid of the neck tension, the feeling in the ear usually calms down as well.
But this is not always the cause of tinnitus. What causes tinnitus beyond that is not yet known. Therefore, it is often difficult to alleviate the symptoms.
What is a hearing loss?
Hearing loss is a hearing loss to the point of complete deafness. Usually, the hearing loss occurs only on one side. In addition to hearing loss or deafness, ringing in the ears and dizziness may occur. In rare cases, hearing loss is noticeable in both ears. A furry feeling and altered hearing may also occur.
A distinction is made between a minor and a severe hearing loss. Minor hearing loss causes decreased hearing for a short period of time until it returns to normal. In a severe hearing loss, on the other hand, hearing cells die completely. The hearing loss remains forever because hearing cells cannot be regenerated.
How and why a hearing loss really occurs has not yet been clearly explained. Hearing loss is possible if a viral infection is present, or if there are metabolic or circulatory disorders. Autoimmune processes can also be the trigger. Hearing loss due to stress also occurs.
What are the hearing loss home remedies?
There is no real home remedy for a hearing loss, since the causes have not been conclusively clarified. There are also no therapies that are helpful in every case. However, there are some treatment options that can alleviate and improve the symptoms. Especially if you have a minor hearing loss and you start the therapy within four to five days, you may notice improvements.
If you notice a hearing loss, the only home remedy for you is rest, relaxation and little noise. You should also see an ENT doctor to get the best possible treatment. After a few days, the hearing loss should subside. Outpatient and inpatient therapy may consist of antiviral substances, cortisone and blood thinning medications.

Our tips for the prevention of ear problems
As you may have noticed, tension is often the cause of discomfort in the ears. It often helps to relieve these tensions in the ear to get rid of the pressure on the ears, to relieve tinnitus or to get rid of the annoying noise in the ear. To prevent you from getting the pain and discomfort in the first place, some of our tips can be applied to prevent it.
1. avoid stress
A common trigger for tense muscles leading to pain in and around the ear is stress. Of course, stress cannot always be avoided, but if you find out for yourself what stresses you, you can consciously notice these situations. In these moments, it helps to focus on your breath and breathe away any stress that arises.
2. movement & stretching exercises
Tension in the neck often leads to ear complaints. To prevent this from happening, you should always get enough exercise. If you sit at a desk or in front of a computer a lot, stretching exercises or yoga are a good way to avoid tension. Sitting in a bad posture for a long period of time can lead to pain in the neck.
3. acupressure
A simple means of improving circulation and releasing blockages that can lead from the neck to the ear is acupressure. With a sustainable acupressure mat from ShaktiMat you can prevent pain and, as many of our customers report, also relieve existing tension. About 15 minutes a day are a pleasant break from everyday life and provide in no time for more well-being.
4. pay attention to your posture
As we noted above in the second tip, your workplace can cause you to adopt poor posture. But other areas can also trigger incorrect posture. Often you don't even notice it and have trained yourself to adopt this posture until pain makes you aware of it. In order to avoid far-reaching pain up to the ears, you should take a closer look at your posture and counteract the possible bad posture. Make yourself aware of it again and again, because it is quickly taken again. Depending on how pronounced your incorrect body posture is, you must also analyze why it has come about. Most of the time, you lack muscles in some area of your body to keep your body in a good, straight position. Strength exercises help to build up these muscles for a straight posture.
Release tension in the ear - our conclusion
In this post, you've read a lot about the various ear complaints and their causes. Often, tensions - mostly of the neck - are indeed the trigger. We have also given you some tips on how to treat ear pain and relieve tension in the ear. We have also told you what can help to prevent complaints. Of course, you should always consult a doctor if you are not sure and need professional advice or treatment. After all, these are all tips that can help, but don't have to. Depending on the case, it's also possible that ear noise, tension, tinnitus and the like will continue to get worse or perhaps even be triggered in the first place. This article is only intended to provide a good overview.