Release neck tension: What to do when the neck is tense?

release neck tension

Anyone who sits a lot in everyday life or often sleeps badly suffers from neck tension time and again. Neck tension is usually accompanied by other pain symptoms such as headaches, back pain or muscle tension. The symptoms are usually similar: a stiff neck or unpleasant neck pain that severely limits mobility in the neck and head area. In this article, we will explain how you can relieve your neck tension. In addition, we will also show you which preventive measures are helpful against neck tension.


  • Common causes of neck tension
  • What to do for neck tension? With these exercises you can relieve your neck tension
  • Solve neck tension with home remedies
  • Release neck tension and take preventive measures
  • Excursus: Where does the cell phone neck come from?
  • Release the neck tension and do not leave it untreated

Common causes of neck tension

1. agglutinated fasciae

The human musculature is surrounded by so-called fasciae. Fasciae are a net-like connective tissue, which are characterized by elasticity and thus make the body mobile. As soon as the fasciae stick together due to lack of movement or stress, they trigger pain in the shoulder, back or neck area.

2. too little movement

The thoracic spine is naturally very active - but if it is not moving enough, the actually inactive cervical spine has to do significantly more work. This in turn results in the muscles being permanently under tension and hardening due to overload. The consequences: A stiff neck or unpleasant neck tension. In this context, people are often affected by neck tension due to too much computer screen work. More movement in everyday life and regular exercise can help.

3. stress factors

People who are constantly under stress force their bodies to perform at their best every day. The tension ensures that the muscles tense up and neck and shoulder tension quickly become noticeable. The core problem: In combination with stress, this circumstance can become a serious health problem. Stress reduction is the keyword here - taking regular breaks and staying calm in stressful situations can already improve the general circumstances.

4. the sleeping position

Do the muscle tensions in the neck area make themselves felt, especially after waking up? Then the tense neck muscles are probably due to a poor or unfavorable sleeping position. If the cervical spine is not adequately supported when lying down, the neck muscles have to correct the inadequate posture. The cause is often an incorrect pillow that does not cushion unfavorable lying positions.

What to do for neck tension? With these exercises you can relieve your neck tension

Mobilize your muscles and integrate gentle stretching exercises into your daily routine. This prevents the muscles from hardening in the first place. Accompanying exercises can work as a first aid to combat acute symptoms - but they are no guarantee to permanently relieve neck tension. You can relieve neck tension with the following exercises:

Exercise 1: Stretch trapezius muscle and neck

The stretching exercise can help relieve the tense neck. In addition, the neck muscles are strengthened, which has a positive effect on the overall mobility of the cervical spine.

This is how you can stretch the neck properly: Stand upright and straight. Tilt your head as far as possible to the right side until you feel a slight pulling sensation in the left neck area. If you bend your left hand and stretch it down to the floor, you can increase the positive effect of this stretching exercise. Now you can additionally tilt your head with your right hand to feel the stretching effect more intensely. Hold the position for at least 20 seconds. Then switch sides and repeat the process.

Important: Proceed slowly and gently. Jerky movements are not helpful in a stretching exercise.

Exercise 2: Release neck tension with the ShaktiMat

Ideally, you own the ShaktiPillow to use as a headrest. Alternatively, a rolled-up ShaktiMat can be used. Place the pillow behind the mat and sit with the sitting bones at the lower edge of the mat. Now place the tips of your feet, inhale and on the exhale place your hands next to your hips and slowly roll your lower back onto the ShaktiMat. Once you are in the lying down position, you can move your heels closer to your hips and extend your arms out to the sides of your body. Remain in this position for a few minutes. As a variation, you can slowly turn your head to the right side so that the ear rests gently. You can also stay in this position for up to 20 minutes before repeating the process on the left side. Keep in mind: After about five minutes, you will no longer feel any pain. So it pays to persevere.

Here you can see the ShaktiMat exercises against neck tension in video.

neck tension

Release neck tension with home remedies

Heat treatment is one of the most popular methods to relieve neck tension. The hot water bottle is difficult to place in the neck - a grain pillow, on the other hand, can work well. Grain pillows come in a variety of designs and most models are microwaveable. Alternatives include electric massagers. Rotating balls or infrared heat work on the painful areas. The practical thing is that massagers reach places where the hands or fingers cannot. The pressure and speed of most devices can be adjusted manually. Another classic to relieve neck tension is Tiger Balm. The ingredients it contains, such as cajeput, menthol, camphor, peppermint and clove, have a very pleasant aroma. Tiger Balm warms the skin, which stimulates blood circulation and relaxes the neck muscles. The relaxation of the muscles in turn helps to relieve neck tension.

Release neck tension and take preventive measures

A visit to the doctor is usually necessary when it is already too late for exercises and preventive measures. There are several ways to relieve neck pain or loosen neck muscles. Consider the following tips and tricks in your everyday life to relieve neck tension without a doctor's visit:

  • Exercise and move regularly. Cycling, yoga or swimming prevent neck pain.
  • Work specifically to build strong back and abdominal muscles.
  • Always make sure you have a healthy posture - especially while working.
  • Prevent one-sided carrying of heavy objects and jerky movements.

Excursus: Where does the cell phone neck come from?

As soon as you bend your cervical spine, great forces act on your neck. And the further you lower your head, the greater the strain. Looking at your cell phone adds another 13 kilograms to the general head weight of between four and six kilograms. In the meantime, the so-called cell phone neck is already showing in the skeleton of many people - especially in the young population under 30. Scientists have already discovered a bony spine below the skull. This arises in order to withstand the greater strain on the neck muscles.

This fact makes it clear that looking at displays all the time is unnatural for the body. The shoulder and neck muscles are permanently strained. Accordingly, even young people can suffer from unpleasant neck pain if the time spent looking at the display is above average.

Prevent the cell phone neck

What to do when the cell phone is part of your daily work routine and you can't avoid looking at it all the time? There are some tips and tricks on how to stay away from the typical symptoms of cell phone neck:

  • Change your posture and position as often as possible while typing. Stretch yourself again and again and also work standing up or lying down.
  • If you do a lot of screen work, make sure the screen is positioned at eye level.
  • A height-adjustable holder for the computer or tablet relieves both neck and shoulders.
  • Ideally, you always get up and walk a few meters. For example, during a phone call.
  • Take a short break after about 45 minutes of screen time.
neck tense

Release the neck tension and do not leave it untreated

At the first sign of neck tension, you should act immediately. Perform the described stretching exercises or use acupressure or the ShaktiMat to relieve your neck tension. In addition, it is advisable to think about the causes of the tension symptoms. If it is clear that the neck tension is due to incorrect lying or too much screen time, you can react accordingly. Of course, you can also use the home remedies described (e.g. Tiger Balm or grain pillows) to relieve the neck tension. Basically, the longer your neck tension persists, the greater the risk of developing a chronic pain condition. It pays to be proactive quickly.

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