After traveling extensively in India, Nepal, Southeast Asia and South America for 4 years, I probably caught intestinal parasites from contaminated water. This has had severe effects in my digestive tract.
I am very skeptical about taking antibiotics, but in the end I followed what was recommended by the medical system and took a combination of 3 highly effective antibiotics over a month to treat this illness. What followed was something I never expected.
I began to develop intolerances to many foods such as dairy, wheat, eggs, soy and processed sugars, but that was the least of my problems. For a period of 6 months I was plagued by severe pain in my stomach and small intestine, cramps, muscle pain, irregular bowel movements, insomnia, fatigue and depression.
The antibiotics made the situation much worse by causing a bacterial imbalance called SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), which is very difficult to treat. I was on a strict diet for many months, taking many medicinal herbs and paying close attention to my diet.
I lost over 10 kg and felt absolutely miserable, unable to put a stop to it. Many months later, when I felt well enough to travel, my partner and I spent a few months traveling around California in our 1970s Chevvvy campervan. During that time, we visited and stayed with a friend who owns an organic farm in Humbolt County. (That's where the pictures in this report are from). Here they grow their own organic food and premium organic medical cannabis.
She gave me a bottle of pure hemp oil and I started taking 2-4 drops every day without really expecting anything. To my amazement, day by day my symptoms started to decrease significantly. I was able to sleep properly, the pain was reduced to a mild discomfort, and I was able to tolerate a lot more food. Needless to say, I was more than excited and intrigued to learn more about the healing properties of hemp oil. Where other treatments have failed, hemp oil has been successful in a very short time.
There is countless information about hemp oil online, but I can only speak from my own personal experience. This oil has given me my life back and I recommend it to everyone. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or illness or are completely healthy, I believe that hemp oil can improve the quality of your life and it is a worthwhile investment in your overall health. Hemp oil has been legally available in the EU for about 20 months now and can be purchased online and in stores.
It is important to do good research and make sure that the oil you consume comes from a reliable source. The hemp oil should be pure and derived from organic plants and soil. The way the cannabis plants are grown, cared for, and harvested is crucial to the purity of the final product. Therefore, it is important to know as much as possible about the farms and their harvesting methods.
I have tested over 10 different hemp oil brands. My personal favorite hemp oil is from ENDOCA*, based in Denmark. I use the 15% version. Here they grow their cannabis plants on 2000 acres of organic soil and are absolutely passionate and committed to delivering a high quality product. Their goal is to make hemp oil an everyday ingredient and staple like salt and pepper in people's homes around the world. They also stand for most of the values, such as sustainability and public good, that we also value at ShaktiMat.
What is cannabis oil?
Simply put, cannabis oil is the concentrated liquid extract of the marijuana plant Cannabis sativa.
Similar to other herbal extracts, the chemicals in cannabis oils vary depending on how the extract is made and what chemicals were originally in the plant.
Cannabis plants produce thousands of compounds, but the best known belong to a class called cannabinoids. There are several cannabinoids, but the two best known are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and hemp oil (cannabidiol).
THC is the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana and it is what people look for when they want a product that will give them a "high." Unlike THC, hemp oil is not known to cause psychoactive effects and is therefore attractive to those who want to avoid the "high" but believe there are other benefits of hemp oil.
Hemp oil products that do not contain THC can be legally sold and consumed. This is probably one of the reasons why hemp oil products, including hemp oil, are becoming more socially acceptable and increasingly popular.
The physiological effects of cannabinoids can vary greatly from person to person and also depend on how they are consumed. This lack of predictability is one of the reasons why cannabis oil is a challenging candidate for development into a medicine.
A 2017 review published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology described how hemp oil can protect the hippocampus - the part of the brain responsible for several important functions such as learning, memory, and navigation - in times of stress and also help prevent the destruction of brain cells caused by schizophrenia.
Cannabis treatment in people with certain forms of epilepsy has been more promising.The only FDA-approved cannabis-based drug is Epidiolex, a hemp oil oral solution used to treat two rare and severe forms of epilepsy.
It is important to know that research in this area is still in its infancy and marijuana is classified as a drug. Because of this classification, it is not easy for researchers to conduct research in this area. However, cannabis research is on the upswing. In the next five years, we can expect to see significantly more studies. These studies may reveal more cases for which hemp oil can be helpful and may also show that some of the reasons people say they use hemp oil are not supported by science, but are a placebo effect.
The side effects and risks associated with using marijuana-based products are also not clear. At the very least, hemp oil does not appear to have any addiction potential.
It is also important to know that not all products are the same. There can be many different varieties, and if you are thinking about doing this for medicinal reasons, you should find a trusted source and do your research. You should always know where this oil is coming from.
It is also recommended to test the traditional and established treatments before trying hemp oil products. Hemp oil should not be a first treatment for serious problems.